Sunny weather and clear sky seduced for a nice hike on midday of September 30th through the upper Taunus near Bad Camberg, only 25 km north of the center of the city of Frankfurt. Having parked the car near Riedelbach, the nice Riedelbacher Heide on more than 500m above sea level (asl) was a resting… Continue reading Ring Ouzel migrating through the Taunus near Frankfurt/ Main
Month: September 2012
Black Kite on migration along Black Sea coast Romania
During a trip from September 21st till 24th 2012 to experience migrating birds in Romania a remarkable sighting could be noted. A juvenile Black Kite was seen flying against heavy wind southward on his migration route along the Black Sea coast near the town of Eforie over Lake (Lacul) Techirghiol. Lacul Techirghiol and Eforie are… Continue reading Black Kite on migration along Black Sea coast Romania
Rare buntings in the western Palearctic
For middle Europe, Urs N. Glutz von Blotzheim listed 16 species of buntings of the genus Emberiza plus the Corn Bunting, Miliaria calandra, of the genus Miliaria, the Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis, of the genus Plectrophenax the Lapland Bunting (also known as Lapland Longspur), Calcarius lapponicus, of the genus Plectrophenax in his „Handbuch der Vögel… Continue reading Rare buntings in the western Palearctic
Looking for larks in Morocco, PART II
…. A pre-adult Thick-billed Lark (Ramphocoris clotbey) was the next mornings highlight. After spending the night not too far away from the town of Boumalne, I started the day already at dawn. Behind the village, the road winds back to a plateau. Because I missed the turnoff, I drove on and finally stopped in an… Continue reading Looking for larks in Morocco, PART II
Fall bird migration and waterfowl in southwestern USA – August 2013
In late summer (mid-late August/early September), the Brehm Fund for International Bird Conservation, Bonn, offers an ornithological tour to the United States. The southwestern part – located between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico – provides numerous ornithological highlights, which we will do in California and Texas Station. California, because of its exposed… Continue reading Fall bird migration and waterfowl in southwestern USA – August 2013
Herbstzug und Wasservögel im Südwesten der USA – August 2013, Reise des Brehm-Fonds
Im Spätsommer (ca. Mitte–Ende August/Anfang September) bietet der Brehm Fonds für internationalen Vogelschutz e.V., Bonn, eine 2,5-wöchige ornithologische und naturkundliche Rundreise in die USA an. Der Südwesten – zwischen Pazifik und dem Golf von Mexico gelegen – bietet zahlreiche ornithologische Highlights, wobei wir in Kalifornien und Texas Station machen werden. Kalifornien verfügt aufgrund der exponierten… Continue reading Herbstzug und Wasservögel im Südwesten der USA – August 2013, Reise des Brehm-Fonds
Spring migration and birds of prey in Extremadura – April 2013
In spring 2013, there will be an ornithological study tour to the region of Extremadura, southwesternSpain. It includes the provinces ofBadajozand Cáceres east of the border withPortugal, and is not only famous for the best-preserved medieval monuments inSpainbut among nature lovers for its unique combination of oak woodlands, grasslands, agricultural landscapes, lakes and rocky regions.… Continue reading Spring migration and birds of prey in Extremadura – April 2013
Frühjahrszug und Greifvögel in der Extremadura – April 2013, Reise des Brehm-Fonds
Im Frühjahr 2013 wird vom Brehm-Fonds für internationalen Vogelschutz e.V. eine ornithologische Studienreise in die im Südwesten Spaniens gelegene Region Extremadura geführt. Sie umfasst die Provinzen Badajoz und Cáceres östlich der Grenze zu Portugal und ist nicht nur berühmt für die am besten erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Denkmäler in Spanien, sondern unter Naturliebhabern auch für ihre einzigartige… Continue reading Frühjahrszug und Greifvögel in der Extremadura – April 2013, Reise des Brehm-Fonds
Early fall images from the Leinetal/ Hannover
The valley of the river „Leine“ and the surrounding hills called “Leinebergland” is not famous of being one of Germany´s birding hot spots. But a excursion to that charming countryside between the cities of Hildesheim to the east and Hameln to the west has to offer surprisingly good locations to shoot images of excellent birds.… Continue reading Early fall images from the Leinetal/ Hannover
African specialities on Bird-Lens
On the southern edge of the western palearctic, in Egypt, south of the Sahara, in southern North Africa are living some strange bird creatures which touch the borders of the western palearctic only. Sometimes they occur as a rare breeding species in countries like Morocco or Egypt or you can see them as a strangler… Continue reading African specialities on Bird-Lens
Pelagic Birds in the Western Palearctic
Pelagic or oceanic birds, seabirds or marine birds all describe bird which spend a significant portion of its life on the open ocean, rarely venturing to land except to breed. Their flight is often described as elegant and beautiful. This is particulary true for the Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris), as you can see on the image… Continue reading Pelagic Birds in the Western Palearctic
Looking for larks in Morocco, PART I
Many species of larks are one of the big treasures of Morocco. If you want to see the most larks in the Western Palearctic (in quality and even in quantity) you have to go for that north-african country which besides the larks offer much more birdingwise. Beginning of June might be regarded as already quite… Continue reading Looking for larks in Morocco, PART I