Black Stork: a rare but regular migrant in Germany

SchwarzstorchOn a beautiful late summer day in late August, I was busy most of the day moving my winter hide to another place to rebuild it. We therefore had little time to take pictures. A little exhausted, we made our way home in the evening when we discovered a Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) a few hundred meters away from where we stayed. The Black Stork was standing right next to the road and still seemed a little tired from migration. Fortunately, we had our equipment in the passenger seat and the Black Stork was on the right side of the street. Since Black Storks are often very shy, we were concerned that it would fly away as soon as we stopped by car at ist height. But this Stork was very patient and paid little attention to us when we stopped at the roadside and carefully pulled the trigger of the camera a few times. The Black Stork calmly carried out preening and was not unsettled by the trigger sound on the Canon EOS 1DX. After a while, a Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) approached very carefully from the side and kept pausing again and again. The Brown Hare was probably a bit irritated by our presence and wanted to find out if it was dangerous for him to approach us. The moment the European hare was seen in the viewfinder together with the black stork, we knew would give this day a perfect end. But unfortunately the Brown Hare disqappeared too fast. But anyway, a nice reward for a hard day that we will remember for a very long time. Luck, which one simply needs as a nature photographer sometimes.

It is only in late summer that it is possible to photograph an entire black stork family in the open. In most cases, these are migrants on their way to the winter quarters. However, some specimens of the shy animals may have also hatched in the region. If you are lucky, you can also see a black stork in Luch at home with a frog in its beak. The black storks do not fly as far south as the White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) for wintering and therefore migrate later. And so sometimes remarkable observations can be made. Black Storks can sometimes be photographed from a safe distance with their young during bird migration. Overall, Storks are an indicator of an intact environment. White Dtorks are also an indicator of whether nature is still in order. However, as the food supply diminishes, the total number of Storks of both species declines. The number of Black Storks is also negligible compared to White Storks.

In order to meet the growing demand for top images of the rarer species of Palaearctic has specifically made trips to remote places. Additionally every chance is used, if a rare bird is around the homeground. This to do everything to ensure excellent photos of the Birds of the Western Palearctic . The yield of pictures also of rare Western Palaearctic birds is very good. There are other nice images of birds, that you will find behind the tab “Picture Shop“. Just give a notice if you need a picture of a bird which is not online

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