Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

As if they had swallowed a stick, two individuals of a species known from Africa are standing on the banks of a chanal ot the Toshka Project. Between many Gray Herons (Ardea cinerea) two Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis) stand upright with hanging beaks. The colors are beautiful to see in the morning sun. I was… Continue reading Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

Fliegende Turteltaube holt Nistmaterial in Abu Simbel

Von ihrem Nest in einem Afrikanischen Mahagonibaum (Thaya senegallensis) fliegt eine Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur) immer wieder direkt über unsere Köpfe zu einer Akazie. Dort findet sie offensichtlich abgestorbene kleine, feine Zweige und Halme. Als sie das dritte Mal praktisch auf dem gleichen Weg – diesmal mit einem feinen Zweig im Schnabel – zurückfliegt, beschließe ich,… Continue reading Fliegende Turteltaube holt Nistmaterial in Abu Simbel

Vagrant Eurasian Golden-Oriole on Bird Island

In the early morning a quiet walk in the wood to Passe Hirondelle. Right near the farm building quite a big thrush-like bird landed on some vegetation. Just a second, than the bird flew away. Fortunately not far so I could follow for a while and took a picture of the bird which turned out… Continue reading Vagrant Eurasian Golden-Oriole on Bird Island