Curious Young Great Spotted Woodpecker

BuntspechtAfter hatching, young Great Spotted Woodpeckers (Dendrocopos major) are completely helpless but soon they take on a life of their own. Spring is a wonderful time for nature watchers. The forests are full of life and activity, and one of the most beautiful sights is that of a young Great Spotted Woodpecker curiously looking out of its hole. This moment when a young bird explores its world for the first time is both enchanting and fascinating. Great Spotted Woodpeckers are known for their ability to carve holes in tree trunks. They use their powerful beaks to chisel holes in the wood in which they build their nests. These holes provide protection from predators and the elements, and are a safe place to raise their young. Nesting season begins in spring, and after about two weeks the young birds hatch.

A particularly delightful moment is when the young Great Spotted Woodpeckers begin to poke their heads out of the hole. This act is a first step towards their independence. They look curiously at the world outside their safe cave, observe the activities of their parents and the surrounding area. These first glances are crucial for their development, as they begin to perceive their surroundings and gather important information that will help them survive later.

For the recordings, I used the Canon EOS 1DX Mark III in remote control mode. I used the higher bandwidth of the WFT-E9 to be able to take photos almost without delay despite a certain distance from the laptop. The range with the additional device is more than sufficient at a nominal 150m. After the camera and laptop had got to know each other via EOS Utility on the one hand and the tab in the camera control called “communication function”, I did not want to disturb the feeding parents and devoted myself to photography while sitting in the car about 15 meters away. Now it was a matter of keeping an eye on the surroundings and waiting for the great spotted woodpecker parents to fly over, then looking at the laptop and, if there was something that pleased me and there was action – ideally with a little advance notice – then triggering the shutter remotely. The camera, the Canon EOS 1DX Mark III, behind a Canon EF 200mm f/2L IS USM was about 6 meters away from the tree hollow. This worked excellently.

In order to meet the growing demand for top images of the rarer species of Palaearctic has specifically made trips to remote places. Additionally every chance is used, if a rare bird is around the homeground. This to do everything to ensure excellent photos of the Birds of the Western Palearctic . The yield of pictures also of rare Western Palaearctic birds is very good. There are other nice images of birds, that you will find behind the tab “Picture Shop“. Just give a notice if you need a picture of a bird which is not online.

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