Usually this bird rarely comes within shooting range. When it comes to winter feeding, it can also be seen from a shorter distance: the Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius). The most colorful raven bird in our latitudes. Usually it is a cautious fellow which is only occasionally seen up close. You can hear its voice there quite often, and its “rattling” convincingly tells us his relationship to the Real Crows (Corvinae). The Jays (Garrulinae) are generally more colorful and varied in color. The non-ornithologist will be surprised that both groups are included in the songbirds. And yet the Eurasian Jay is not untalented as a singer and can even imitate other species of birds.
When it comes to food choices, the Eurasian Jays are quite versatile. In spring and summer they do not shrink from eating young birds and clutches. In autumn and winter, on the other hand, it is berries, nuts and seeds that disappear into the robust beak of this omnivore. In any case, the Eurasian Jay enjoys it in front of my camera. It is possible that the bird has also filled its crop sack with nuts in order to then bury them for later consumption. Because the jay is a master at keeping stocks. It also likes to help himself from his fellow species.
I had a special experience when I set up a feeding place for the birds in the garden. There are many birds of prey here on the edge of the village. The most dangerous being the resident Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). In any case, it is clear to the rest of the birds that it is best not to meet this raptor.
Every now and then, Eurasian Jay lurk around the feeding station. One of the three Jays was there one afternoon too. The Eurasian Jay was sitting on the fence opposite the bird house, a little further away a Great Tit (Parus major). Both looked at the feeding place.
The Jay was not unknown to the birds at the feeding ground, but there was never any stress in itself. I think that explains the innocence of the little birds.
It continued with the fact that a Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) came out of the neighbour’s bird house. The Tit landed on the grass in our garden with a sunflower seed. The Great Tit has flown into the aviary and the Eurasian Jay onto the lawn. The Jay landed on the Blue Tit and grabbed it. The Tit could only still stretched ist wings. Then the Eurasian Jay flew away with the prey.
I was actually convinced that only small birds (nestlings) would be captured during the breeding season. I had also seen eating a mouse in freezing winter temperatures. But I had never seen feeding on an adult songbirds when they behave stupidly enough.
In order to be able to satisfy the growing demand for top shots of the rarer species of the Palearctic, has made targeted trips to the most beautiful natural landscapes in Germany, but also to more distant places. All to be able to take excellent photos of the birds of the Western Palearctic. The yield of images of common and of rare Western Palearctic birds is very good. The beautiful picture you see on the blog is only a first impression, which you will find very soon in the “Picture Shop” tab. Just let know if you need a picture of a bird species before new pictures are online.