High-pitched calls shout from the bushes along the banks of an oxbow of the Havel River a little river in northern Brandenburg in Germany. In the willows you can quickly spot Goldcrests (Regulus regulus), scurrying through the bushes inconspicuously but in large numbers. But it’s worth taking a closer look. And really, in this case… Continue reading Yellow-browed Warblers as vagrants in Middle Europe again!
Category: Rare Bird sightings
An immature Pallid Harrier in the Niederer Fläming
On sunday, 13th of October, I had the unique opportunity to observe an immature Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) in the Niederer Fläming region of Brandenburg, a truly exciting find for any birdwatcher. With its distinct features and behavior, this raptor should be unmistakable in good observation conditions. But identifying immature and femlae individuals can be… Continue reading An immature Pallid Harrier in the Niederer Fläming
A putative Hybrid Herring x Caspian Gull at Lake Gülpe in Brandenburg: A Detailed Observation
It was already evening at the outlet of the Gülper See into the Havel. The air was filled with the calls of migrating water birds. A white-headed gull sat on a boat bollard. In addition to the familiar sight of swans and ducks, this gull caught my attention. The first thing I noticed were its… Continue reading A putative Hybrid Herring x Caspian Gull at Lake Gülpe in Brandenburg: A Detailed Observation
Exploring the Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic: A Glimpse at Leach’s Storm-Petrel
We are on a seabird watching tour west of Ireland with Blacksod Sea Safari. On the trip to the Atlantic we pass the island of Inishkea, which my skipper, Toby, highly recommends to me because of the many breeding birds – probably also Storm Petrels – in summer. But I’m not in the mood for… Continue reading Exploring the Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic: A Glimpse at Leach’s Storm-Petrel
Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria
One afternoon we almost finished our hike through the Nockberge-mountains. In some spruce trees, we saw a family of Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). The followed us for several minutes and gave excellent views. The term “Nocke” refers to the rounded shapes of the mountains in the southern Austrian Alps, which reach up to 2,400 meters… Continue reading Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria
Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) on Mallorca
Spotting Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) in mid-April can be quite futile. By then, these falcons are still en route to their summer destinations in the Mediterranean, typically arriving in late April and May. Although I have never visited the island due to its popularity among tourists, a friend shared a memorable experience. During his visit,… Continue reading Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae) on Mallorca
Torrent Duck on a rock washed by waves in the Rio Huallaga/ Peru
The journey through the Huallaga Valley in Peru can be quick due to the good condition of the roads. And, the many mining towns do not invite you to linger. But sometimes the journey through these rough landscapes holds surprises, such as an encounter with a Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata). These impressive birds are known… Continue reading Torrent Duck on a rock washed by waves in the Rio Huallaga/ Peru
Common Snipe: Air transport in case of danger
Still completely disheveled and barely freed from the eggshell, the tiny Common Snipe chick (Gallinago gallinago) sets off to explore the surrounding area of a peat bog. With every step the little precocious bird becomes safer and braver. A little too brave, supose its mother. Because the little one steps out into the open meadow.… Continue reading Common Snipe: Air transport in case of danger
Mountain Peacock-Pheasant in a spectacular mating display
A male Mountain Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron inopinatum) enhances his performance with subtle feather vibrations. By shaking his tail feathers, he produces a rustling sound that adds an auditory dimension to his courtship ritual.The courtship display of the Mountain Peacock-Pheasant is a meticulously choreographed performance designed to captivate the female. 2 hours before: At 6:00 I’m already… Continue reading Mountain Peacock-Pheasant in a spectacular mating display
A Wryneck presenting its tongue
A Eurasian Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) sits on a branch of Black Elder (Sambucus nigra) in the first light of morning. He sunbathes and yawns. He opens his beak wide. An extension shoots out like a dagger. The wryneck shows his tongue! The tongue of a Eurasian Wryneck is surprisingly long when fully extended. It’s pointed… Continue reading A Wryneck presenting its tongue
Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl
Feeding by sweeping their bills back and forth through the water like a rake, a Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is catching food by trapping small prey with their special bill. A spoonbill is a type of wading bird that can be found in shallow water. These birds have a long, spoon-shaped bill that is used… Continue reading Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl
Grey Partridges under attack
2 Grey Partridges (Perdix perdix), male and female, let themselves be lured to the mowed meadow by the calls of a rival. They are very open. Suddenly, they haven’t been that open for a minute, a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) comes flying low. The Grey Partridges immediately take off in a brilliant flight for cover.… Continue reading Grey Partridges under attack