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  1. Hi Johannes,

    I will be staying at the Steinberger Airport Hotel next Tuesday night. Black Woodpecker has eluded me on many occasions so I was very interested to see that it can be seen right near the airport! Can you help me to find one? My flight on Wednesday is around 11am so early Wednesday morning would be a good time for me to try.

    Best regards

  2. Hi Johannes,
    I’m coming over to Wiesbaden in October for a wedding and will have a spare day when I might like to do some birding.

    Some notable gaps in my life list are among the European woodpeckers and if possible like to catch up with Middle Spotted Black and Grey Headed. Is this possible/ likely at that time of year? Eagle Owl would be nice too if there is a site within easy reach.

    Congratulations on a great website.



  3. Hello Johannes,
    I will be in Frankfurt the weekend of Sept. 26 and 27. Was planning on going to the area near Heerengasse U6 perhaps to catch some raptor migration. Will it be too late for that?
    Appreciate your input.

  4. I arrived in Bucharest this afternoon and am joining a birding tour group starting Sunday. Are you able to go birding with me tomorrow the 23rd? I’m staying at the Phoenicia Express Hotel.

  5. Hello. I have a few morning hours for birding during a layover in Frankfurt on April 5th, and am looking for more info or someone to go birding with. Please contact me so I can provide more details. Thanks.

  6. Hi Johannes,

    I am interested to photograph the Great Bustards in mid-October. Could you please contact me?

    Thank you.


    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for posting on If you are interested to photograph the Great Bustards in mid-October, this is not really easy. Display is the best opportunity to catch photos. This is normally starting in march and lasting until June. Any special considerations?
      Best regards

  7. Hi Johannes, I will have a whole day lay-over at Frankfurt airport on November 21st and was wanting to know if there is a local birder who can show me some great birds of the area? Or if you have any great places that are safe for me to go?

  8. Hello Johannes
    I am English, visiting Frankfurt/Cologne in mid May and would like to know if it is possible to see a Tengmalms Owl. Perhaps there is a nest box scheme somewhere?
    Any information would be appreciated.

    1. Hallo Alan,
      A whole day lay-over at Frankfurt airport is a quite a long time. I am now living in Berlin and therefore unfortunately not in Frankfurt in November nor do I know a local birder who can show you around. But I can give you some information about birding sites in Frankfurt less so in Cologne.
      A good recommendation for owls is the area around the Grosser Feldberg in the mountains near Frankfurt. ( ). The extensive coniferous forests that clad the slopes of the higher Taunus support small populations of rarer European species such as Tengmalm’s Owl. There is a box scheme around the Altkoenig peak, but I have never seen one in the boxes. The best time to hear (not necessarily see) them is in late winter (late February, March), and then in the mid of night. So you have to climb the mountain in the latest hours of daylight, spend at least 2 hours in the cold and listen. Not very convenient but most likely successful. Anyway these birds are very thinly distributed and your chances of seeing them are very limited without local knowledge.
      Some of my recommendations on are dependent on the season. In spring/ summer, I would go as a bird watcher or photographer to the Palmengarten in – more or less – downtown Frankfurt ( ). Even if your flight lands in the morning and the next flight is at noon this should be enough time to see a few birds. Best to take a taxi – but you can take the train as well.
      A alternative, even closer (and faster) by the airport is the area around the Langener Waldseen ( ). Due to the long distances to the birds, this is better for the birdwatcher. But the birds are “better” in winter here than everywhere else in the surrounding of the airport. I had some birdwatchers, who complained about the taxis. Taxis do not like to drive to this location because there is no customer wanting back to Frankfurt. The area is quite remote and you might feel alone there. Maybe not the best recommendation if you are travelling on your own.
      Good luck – and if you like to write a little blog about your experiences (or a comment to one of the bird-lens-articles) you are more than welcome
      Best regards,

  9. Good Morning,

    My name is Pierre Pitlo. I own and run a company called African Safari Experts.

    I have been operating & guiding ornithological tours to Africa for more than 15 years now. We operate out of Livingstone (Zambia) as this gives us easy access to Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe & Namibia. The birding in these regions is incredible to say the least.
    These countries are safe and offer good value for money. A birding holiday can also incorporate Victoria Falls as well as other fantastic destinations like Chobe National Park in Botswana. Livingstone offers visitors a very wide variety of choices in countries, activities and culture.

    I lead all the tours myself with a small team of 6 staff. We are guides, mechanics and camp managers as well as a private chef to cook all meals. We limit our tours to 6 guests ensuring excellent service delivery, safety and comfort for our clients.

    Some of the birding hotspots are Kasanka, Liuwa Plains, Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa and Kafue National Park.

    I would like to make my tours available to your members and would appreciate it if you could inform them in your newsletter?

  10. Good afternoon Jonas,

    I hope that that you’re well.

    I live in Berlin and have a free weekend in November so am looking to get out about and explore some new birding spots.
    I’ve lived here for a little under a year so have taken in and some of the great locations the city has to offer but I wondered if you could recommend some that I may not be aware of?
    Unfortunately i’ll be travelling by train but I’m certainly not afraid of travelling further afield to seek out some new gems.

    Any recommendations are extremely welcome.

    Thank you,

  11. Hello. I am writing a book about estrildidae for my hobby. I am interested in photos of different pytilia species and the dybowski twinspot. I hope you can help.

    Kind regards,


    1. Dear Jelmer,
      Sounds interesting, to write a book about estrildida.
      These are the birds from the estrildida-family which I could – on first hand – identify in my photo-list.
      Red-billed firefinch (Lagonosticta senegala),Common waxbill (Estrilda astrild),Jameson’s firefinch (Lagonosticta rhodopareia),African firefinch (Lagonosticta rubricata),Yellow-bellied waxbill (Coccopygia quartinia),Crimson-rumped waxbill (Estrilda rhodopyga),Orange-winged pytilia (Pytilia afra),Green-winged pytilia (Pytilia melba),Green-backed twinspot (Mandingoa nitidula),Swee waxbill (Coccopygia melanotis),Orange-cheeked waxbill (Estrilda melpoda),Bar-breasted firefinch (Lagonosticta rufopicta),Black-crowned waxbill (Estrilda nonnula),Brown twinspot (Clytospiza monteiri),Dybowski’s twinspot (Euschistospiza dybowskii),Black-faced firefinch (Lagonosticta larvata),Black-bellied firefinch (Lagonosticta rara),Red-winged pytilia (Pytilia phoenicoptera),Black-rumped waxbill (Estrilda troglodytes),Rock firefinch (Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis),Lavender waxbill (Estrilda caerulescens),Blue waxbill (Uraeginthus angolensis),Red-throated twinspot (Hypargos niveoguttatus),Red-cheeked cordon-bleu (Uraeginthus bengalus),Yellow-winged pytilia (Pytilia hypogrammica),Shelley’s oliveback (Nesocharis shelleyi),Red-faced crimsonwing (Cryptospiza reichenovii),Grey-headed nigrita (Nigrita canicapilla),Pale-fronted nigrita (Nigrita luteifrons),White-breasted nigrita (Nigrita fusconota),Chestnut-breasted nigrita (Nigrita bicolor). How to proceed now?
      Best regards

  12. Hello! I know it’s short notice but I will be stopping at FRA on the 27th, and have 5-6 hours to go birding. If you would like some business, please contact me- otherwise I can explore on my own!

    Best wishes,


    1. Hello, normally I would like to do birding even on Christmas. unfortunately I am living in Berlin now – as you might see with the blogs. Please refer to “Birding around Frankfurt” if you like. Langender Waldseen quite close to FRA is highly recommende. Excellent birding. Jonas

  13. I will be in Frankfurt the last weekend of March 2019. I would like to know if any of the migrating raptors return by then; I tried a few years ago the areas near the two ends of U7 line but it was at a different time of year. Any other migrants which may be back by the end of March and places to see them?


    1. Hi Juliana,
      end of March is a bit tooooo early. The only raptor which will be returned (if he had leaft) is the Red Kite, which is a nice sighting anyway. Maybe you can see some Hen Harrier and Merlin going back to their breeding grounds. the first Ospreys might come through as well. A standard raptor watching point in Frankfurt I cannot recommend. A good be might be to hike the Taunus Mts., go for the Altkoening e.g. and watch the plain of the river Main from above. Good luck & good birding

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