Identification of Sternula Terns in Asia/Africa

When you are going to eastern Arabia in spring, you have good chances to see (and compare) 2 small terns of the genus Sternula. Sternula is a genus of small white terns, which is often subsumed into the larger genus Sterna. Saunder’s Tern, Sternula saundersi, was formerly considered to be subspecies of Little Tern but… Continue reading Identification of Sternula Terns in Asia/Africa

Greater Short-toed Lark just fledged

On Romania´s Black Sea coast May is migration and early breeding time. After having seen many of top birds like in the Macin Mountains, a small group of bird photographers went for the steppe habitat further south. Excellent sightings of larks (Calandra Lark, Greater Short-toed Lark, Crested Lark, Eurasian Skylark and Wood Lark – a… Continue reading Greater Short-toed Lark just fledged

Bird Diversity in the Danube Delta

Bird Diversity in the delta of 2ndlargest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta is very high. Over 320 species of birds are found in the delta during the summer, of which 166 are breeding species. A group of bird-photographers decided to visit this site in May 2012 on a trip with Sakertours. Highlights of… Continue reading Bird Diversity in the Danube Delta

White Pelican having taken flight

Just to complement the blog Great White Pelican taking flight in Danube Delta, this blog shows the moment just after starting from the water surface. Even here, you see that the Pelican with the scientific name Pelecanus onocrotalus  with up to 11 kg weight needs quite an effort to evenutally take-off and fly. Hope that these… Continue reading White Pelican having taken flight

Canon 400mm f4,0 DO IS USM, ein Erfahrungsbericht

Dieses Objektiv, vielleicht mehr als jedes andere Canon-Objektiv, ist Gegenstand eines breiten Spektrums von Meinungen. Natürlich werden, wie bei jeder größeren Anschaffung, Meinungen von Emotionen und finanziellen Faktoren beeinflußt. Die quick & dirty-Zusammenfassung der verschiedenen Stimmen im Netz ist in der Regel: Die Schärfe ist sehr gut, aber fällt dramatisch mit Konvertern ab Kontrast sehr… Continue reading Canon 400mm f4,0 DO IS USM, ein Erfahrungsbericht

Canon 400mm f4 DO review; a practical experience

This lens, perhaps more than any other Canon lens, brings out a diverse range of opinions. Of course, as with any major purchase, opinions are always going to be influcenced by emotions and financial factors. The quick and dirty summary normally is: • Sharpness is very good, but falls off dramatically with TCs • Contrast… Continue reading Canon 400mm f4 DO review; a practical experience

Great White Pelican takes flight in Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is home of two species of pelicans. The pelican is the symbol of the Delta. Here is home to Europe’s most important colony: 3.500 pairs live in the Danube Delta . we decided to visit this site in May 2012 on a photographer trip with Sakertours. One of the highlights were photoshots… Continue reading Great White Pelican takes flight in Danube Delta

Common Kestrel feeding on trapped bird

loud alarms calls of Blackbirds draw my attention to a place in neighbor´s garden. First I saw a moving wing – white with black pattern. Then the moustache. Hey, this is a female Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, feeding on a Eurasian Blackbird. The dead Blackbird had been accidentally trapped by a fruit net, provided to… Continue reading Common Kestrel feeding on trapped bird

Birds in Macin Mountains National Park/ Romania

Just south-west of the Danube Delta only 1 hour drive from Tulcea is the location of the Macin Mountains with its granite hills. With an altitude of max. 450 m asl Macin Mountains are showing nevertheless an impressive outline. Macin Mountains belong to the oldest mountains of Europe. The Macin Mountains feature some significant steppe… Continue reading Birds in Macin Mountains National Park/ Romania

An Eurasian Sparrowhawk with Long-legged Buzzard in Romania

May is migration time at Romania´s Black Sea coast. Thus it is prime birdwatching time. After having seen many of the speciality birds like Pelicans, Grebes, Glossy Ibises, Spoonbills in the Danube Delta, a small group of bird photographers went for steppe habitats further south. There were already lots of excellent sightings of raptors (e.g.… Continue reading An Eurasian Sparrowhawk with Long-legged Buzzard in Romania

Black Stork over Altenhain/ Bad Soden

A look in the sky this evening. Hey, this is the silhouette of a stork – isn´t it? Yes, indeed a Black Stork, Ciconia nigra, could be seen over the nice little village of Altenhain on 250 m asl. The Black Stork was coming straight forward from the west (from Kelkheim, Main-Taunus-Kreis) circled three times… Continue reading Black Stork over Altenhain/ Bad Soden

Long-eared Owl chased by a Magpie

A rainy day in May at Romania´s Black Sea coast. Some good birds for a western birdwatcher like Reed, Corn and Black-headed Bunting, Great Reed-Warbler, Barred Warbler and a flying Lesser Spotted Eagle could be seen. A big surprise was what you see on the pictures: a Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, staying in a bush,… Continue reading Long-eared Owl chased by a Magpie