Birdwatching at Downpatrick Head: A Seabird Spectacle in Ireland

Perched on the wild and rugged coastline of County Mayo, Downpatrick Head offers bird enthusiasts a front-row seat to one of nature’s most captivating spectacles. Whether you’re drawn to the thrill of seabird colonies in summer or the dynamic migration activity in autumn, this iconic location promises a rewarding experience. During the summer months, the… Continue reading Birdwatching at Downpatrick Head: A Seabird Spectacle in Ireland

Trottellummen im Hafen

Das kleine Schiff hatte gerade vom Kai abgelegt und tuckerte durch das Hafenbecken, auf dem sich ein leichter Ölfilm gebildet hatte. Eigentlich war ich auf dem Weg raus auf die Cornell Bank im Pazifik, so ca. 20-30 km westlich der Küste von Kalifornien. Der Blick fiel dann aber auf einen alten Bekannten aus Europa. Es… Continue reading Trottellummen im Hafen

A little alcid in californian harbor

Alcids are a very diverse family; six species of which are found in European waters. The variety of forms of the alke ranges from the small Dovekie (Alle alle) to the extinct Great Auk (Alca impennis). Whithin the family there are types of “normal” awl-shaped beaks up to the puffin (Fratercula arctica) – shaped bills.… Continue reading A little alcid in californian harbor

Visiting Skomer Island for Puffins

It is cool and cloudy when I am in Martin’s Haven in the morning. This is where the ferries leave for Skomer Island. The boat to Skomer Island departs from Martin’s Haven, a small bay that can be reached by car in a few minutes from Marloes in western Wales. The ferry will normally transfer… Continue reading Visiting Skomer Island for Puffins

Atlantic Puffin on Hornöya in Norway

A strong wind from the east drives the whitecaps over the sea. Even in spring, the wind lets the photographer freeze to the bone. The sky is overcast and the persistent strong wind whirls the sand up to the edge of the cliffs. First, it is a steep, narrow stairs to climb up to the… Continue reading Atlantic Puffin on Hornöya in Norway

Where to photograph seabirds in flight in the UK

In the age of digital full-frame cameras with a very fast autofocus, flight-shot photography is possible that used to be (almost) unthinkable only some years ago. Ducks starting trembling over the water were (and are) still quite easy. But who managed to photograph a flying Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)? Other land birds were usually only… Continue reading Where to photograph seabirds in flight in the UK

Vogelfotografie auf den Pribilof Inseln

Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer der Beringsee. Wellenberge werden von weißem Schaum gekrönt. Die Luft ist bis zur Sättigungsgrenze mit salziger Feuchtigkeit getränkt. Meterhohe Wellen brechen gegen die schroffe, felsige Küste. Auf einmal brechen Sonnenstrahlen durch die Wolkendecke. Sie verzaubern die wilde Landschaft mit warmen Farben und enthüllen den melancholischen Charme der offenen Tundra. Hier ist… Continue reading Vogelfotografie auf den Pribilof Inseln

Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

A Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) with a yellow bill might be not the only difference what you realize, if you are seabirding on different locations. Well, Somateria mollissima v-nigrum is breeding along the arctic coasts of north-east Siberia to Alaska and shows a yellow bill unlike its relatives from the northern part of Europe. But… Continue reading Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

Handa, a Scottish bird island

Spray foam feet high. The air is impregnated to the saturation limit in puccinellia. Metre-high waves crash against the craggy, rocky shores that extend indomitable and majestic into the air. Just having left the small fishing port of Tarbet in County Lairg, Highland in a calm sea, a beautiful sound between a rocky coast and… Continue reading Handa, a Scottish bird island

Puffins, the black-red-white clowns of bird rocks

A high level of  noise prevails especially in the breeding season on a typical bird cliff. Right in the middle an attentive observer might discover a colorful, stocky fellow with bright orange feet and beaks. Resting on the edge of the cliff, as if it is not concerned of all the fuss. This is the… Continue reading Puffins, the black-red-white clowns of bird rocks

Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway

It is hard to believe, but also on the northern edge of the WP (Western Palearctic) seabirds are living and migrating. To see them, managed a trip in the beginning of May to the northern tip of Norway, to the Nordkyn peninsula. This is the best location to spot the migration out to the… Continue reading Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway