Dry Sahel seems to be a hostile living environment in the dry season. Nevertheless it is home to a charismatic species found across the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal east to the Red Sea coast of Sudan and Eritrea I Africa: the Black Bush Robin or Black Scrub-Robin (Cercotrichas podobe), an inhabitant of… Continue reading The Black Scrub-Robin, a rare Western Palearctic bird
Tag: Black-headed Lapwing
Cricket Longtail sightings in northern Cameroon
The Cricket Warbler or Cricket Longtail (Spiloptila clamans) is another excellent contribution to the portfolio of Western Palearctic birds for bird-lens.com. Although only recently encountered inside the boundary of the Western Palearctic this cute, small bird native to the Sahel region is highly welcome. In April 2017, bird-lens.com went on a Rockjumper-tour to bird northern… Continue reading Cricket Longtail sightings in northern Cameroon