Scheu läuft ein kleiner grauer Vogel in der Heidevegetation am Rand der Schuttkegel. Es ist ein Vogel des Riesengebirges, der sonst sein Hauptverbreitungsgebiet in Nordeuropa, Nordasien und Zentralasien hat. In Polen nistet der Mornellregenpfeifer oder Mornel (Charadrius morinellus) sporadisch in Hochgebirgsgrasland und Hochmooren in den Karpaten und im Riesengebirge, in Lebensräumen ähnlich der nördlichen Tundra.… Continue reading Der Mornellregenpfeifer (Charadrius morinellus) im Riesengebirge
Tag: Bluethroat
Bluethroat in willow bush
The first Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) were recorded in northern Germany. One location seemed to be a particularly reliable location. The journey wasn’t that far either. But first I stood with a few other observers and saw: Nothing! But after just 20 minutes of waiting, a colleague murmured from the left: “There it is.” The bird… Continue reading Bluethroat in willow bush
Große Rosin: Northern Shoveler after heavy hailstorm
A hailstorm sweeps across the countryside. Just after the thunderstorm ceased a male Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) flies particularly beautifully in front of us on the watch tower. From the observation tower it can be admired in flight at eye level with its bright blue and green wings and the brown belly. Although it is… Continue reading Große Rosin: Northern Shoveler after heavy hailstorm
A rarity in Krkonoše-Mountains: the Alpine Accentor
We actually see the first Alpine Accentor (Prunella collaris) at the summit of Sněžka, the highest peak in the Krkonoše, or Karkonosze – Moutains, which are also called „Giant Mountains“. As we were just leaving the plateau we see 9-12 individuals of this species calling and flying around the houses in the immediate vicinity of… Continue reading A rarity in Krkonoše-Mountains: the Alpine Accentor
In search of the Eurasian Dotterel in Krkonoše-Mountains of Poland
A small gray bird walks shyly in the heath vegetation on the edge of the talus cones. It is a bird of the Krkonoše or Giant Mountains, which otherwise has its main distribution in Northern Europe, Northern Asia and Central Asia. In Poland, the Eurasian Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) nests sporadically in high mountain grasslands and… Continue reading In search of the Eurasian Dotterel in Krkonoše-Mountains of Poland
Die Alpenbraunelle im Riesengebirge
Die ersten Alpenbraunellen (Prunella collaris) sehen wir tatsächlich zuerst am Gipfel der Schneekoppe. Als wir gerade das Plateau verlassen sehen wir 9 -12 Individuen dieser Art wie sie rufend um die in nächster Nähe der dort befindlichen Häuser fliegen und dann irgendwo in der Geröllhalde niedergehen. Später sehe ich weitere Alpenbraunellen. Einige hüpfen auf dem… Continue reading Die Alpenbraunelle im Riesengebirge
Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
A hailstorm falls over the ponds of Stangenhagen. While many wading and waterfowl used to stand stoically by the lake, the masses of birds that meet here in late summer to moult and rest for the first time on their way to their winter quarters are now beginning to move. First, the Northern Lapwings (Vanellus… Continue reading Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
White Wagtail with nestling food
With a thick package in its beak consisting of small Diptera such as Flies (Brachycera) and Mosquitoes (Nematocera), Caddisflies (Trichoptera) and small Dragonflies (Odonata), a White Wagtail, (Motacilla alba) suddenly sits in the pollarded willow just in front of the bird observation tower. As in previous years, a pair of White Wagtails has built a… Continue reading White Wagtail with nestling food
Sykes’s Warbler wintering in Sri Lanka?
During a stay at the western coast of Sri Lanka, shot images of an alleged Acrocephalus-Warbler in Briefs Garden, an ornamental garden near the west coast. Immediately I was thinking of a Blyth’s Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum) but could not really confirm ID not at least because the habitat – a garden hedge – was… Continue reading Sykes’s Warbler wintering in Sri Lanka?
Young Nightingale in the countryside of Brandenburg
Laterally, the warm first sunlight falls on the exposed hedge. A fence post stands picturesquely in front of it. For a long time, I look out of a hide at the place illuminated with the rise of the sun. The hedgerow is still in the shade. Suddenly, there is a grey-brownish bird standing on a… Continue reading Young Nightingale in the countryside of Brandenburg
Auf die Kehle kommt es an: Blaukehlchen
Friesische Nachtigall wird das Blaukehlchen (Luscinia svecica) zu Recht genannt. Dabei spielt nicht nur die Qualität des Gesangs eine Rolle. Von den farbenfrohen, bunten Drosselvögeln gibt es in Deutschland vier verschiedene Arten. Die bekannteste ist wohl das Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula) mit leuchtend rot gefärbter Brust. Dieser meisterliche Sänger mit seinen klaren Strophen brütet vor allem… Continue reading Auf die Kehle kommt es an: Blaukehlchen
Auf die Kehle kommt es an: Schwarzkehlchen
In der Reihe von Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula), Braunkehlchen (Saxicola rubetra) und Blaukehlchen (Luscinia svecica) darf das (europäische) Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola rubicola) natürlich nicht fehlen. Es ist auf Anhieb in einem ähnlichen Habitat zu Hause wie das Braunkehlchen. In einer offenen, buschreichen Landschaft mit überwiegend kargem Bewuchs lebt dieser Sänger, der in Gestalt und Verhalten dem Braunkehlchen… Continue reading Auf die Kehle kommt es an: Schwarzkehlchen