The pure aggressiveness is written all over the faces of the rivals, you almost think you can see the hate glistening in their eyes. Again and again the cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) call from the edge of a bush and then fly over the pulpit with conspicuous, slow wing beats and then land in elder bushes.… Continue reading Cuckoos in aggressive territorial fights
Tag: Centropus grillii
Kuckucke im aggressiven Revierkampf
Die pure Aggressivität steht den Rivalen ins Gesicht geschrieben, man meint fast den Hass aus den Augen funkeln zu sehen. Immer wieder rufen die Kuckucke (Cuculus canorus) aus einem Gebüschrand und fliegen dann mit auffälligen, langsamen Flügelschlägen über die Kanzel hinweg und landen dann in Holunderbüschen. Manchmal bleiben sie dort eine Weile auf einem trockenen… Continue reading Kuckucke im aggressiven Revierkampf
Orange Weaver near nest on Sanaga River
The sun was already up and shining. The mighty Sanaga River laid in beautiful light in front of us. A small wooden boat was hired for this morning to pick us up at a sand pit at the shore of the river for a morning trip on the water. When we arrived, nobody was there.… Continue reading Orange Weaver near nest on Sanaga River