High-pitched calls shout from the bushes along the banks of an oxbow of the Havel River a little river in northern Brandenburg in Germany. In the willows you can quickly spot Goldcrests (Regulus regulus), scurrying through the bushes inconspicuously but in large numbers. But it’s worth taking a closer look. And really, in this case… Continue reading Yellow-browed Warblers as vagrants in Middle Europe again!
Tag: Common Chiffchaff
Western Orphean Warbler: a vagrant on the North Sea coast of the Netherlands
The morning sun keeps coming out. In the vicinity of Poppendamme I manage to photograph quite a dark Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) and even a single Dunnock (Prunella modularis). Then I drive in the direction of Middelburg, to the Arnestein industrial area. The area cannot be missed with the Kuipersweg. The whole street at the described… Continue reading Western Orphean Warbler: a vagrant on the North Sea coast of the Netherlands
A Plain Leaf-Warbler – winter visitor at the Hajar Mountains – UAE
In the early morning light we go to Green Mubazzarah, which is located at the foot of the Hajar Mountains. Green Mubazzarah is a true paradise in the morning. Green Mubazzarah is a picnic area with streams, grass and chalets at the north foot of Jebel Hafeet before the road begins to climb to the… Continue reading A Plain Leaf-Warbler – winter visitor at the Hajar Mountains – UAE
Chiffchaff: successful in spite of being very young
Still a little uncertain, a chubby something wobbles out of the dense willow (Salix sp.). Surprisingly unerringly, this Phylloscopus-warbler, which has probably just fled, caught a damp moth from the early morning, hits it a few times so that the scales squirt and devours it with relish. A little later it can be seen on… Continue reading Chiffchaff: successful in spite of being very young
Erste Nachtigall des Jahres 2021
Warme Luftströmungen haben den lang anhaltenden Strom polarer Luft im Spätfrühling abgelöst. Die ersten Singdrosseln (Turdus philomelos) sind schon mit ihrem markanten, melancholischen Gesang zu vernehmen. Die Amseln (Turdus merula) bauen schon fleißig am Nest. Der Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita) ruft sein eintöniges Lied. Die Stare (Sturnus vulgaris) fliegen laut schwätzend zwischen den Gärten hin und… Continue reading Erste Nachtigall des Jahres 2021
A little Dwarf : the Firecrest
You are in a coniferous forest and you hear a high “ziziziziit”, practically always on the same pitch. You cannot go wrong in this combination. Singing is the hallmark of the Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla). If you have discovered the Firecrest e.g. by imitated the “singing”, you quickly see a bright orange-red crest, which is raised… Continue reading A little Dwarf : the Firecrest
The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite
The wide meadows oft he Elbe south of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt is a special bird protection area. By far not as populated as the lower Rhine valley, it favors many migrating and breeding bird species. Spring is spectacular. A familiar “neigh” is in the air. The meadows are mainly characterized by the distinctive calls of… Continue reading The first returnees from migration: the Black Kite
Sykes’s Warbler wintering in Sri Lanka?
During a stay at the western coast of Sri Lanka, bird-lens.com shot images of an alleged Acrocephalus-Warbler in Briefs Garden, an ornamental garden near the west coast. Immediately I was thinking of a Blyth’s Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum) but could not really confirm ID not at least because the habitat – a garden hedge – was… Continue reading Sykes’s Warbler wintering in Sri Lanka?
Fitis im Schwirrflug auf Helgoland
Der Rand des sogenannten Mittellands auf Helgoland ist immer mal wieder gut für Überraschungen. Besonders oberhalb des Krankenhauses kann man wunderbar in die am Hang stehenden Bäume gucken. Ich warte auf die ziehenden Vögel, die sich möglicherweise im dichten Blattwerk ausruhen und dann langsam die Spitzen der Zweige erklimmen, um von dort den Weiterflug in… Continue reading Fitis im Schwirrflug auf Helgoland
Sommergoldhähnchen im Nadelwald
Nadelwald und ein hohes ziziziziit, praktisch immer auf derselben Tonhöhe. In der Kombination kann man nicht viel falsch machen. Der Gesang ist das Kennzeichen des Sommergoldhähnchens (Regulus ignicapilla). Hat man das Sommergoldhähnchen entdeckt, indem man z.B. den „Gesang“ imitiert hat, sieht man schnell einen leuchtend orangeroten Scheitelfleck, der bei Erregung aufgestellt wird. Beide Geschlechter haben… Continue reading Sommergoldhähnchen im Nadelwald
Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland
Zunächst verrät nichts die Anwesenheit eines Zwergschnäppers (Ficedula parva). Aber heute früh ist er von der „Großen Treppe“, der Verbindung von Ober- zu Unterlang auf Helgoland gemeldet worden. Zuerst sind nur die Zilpzalpe (Phylloscopus collybita) und der Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes) im Hang zu hören. Von der Empore auf mittlerer Höhe der Großen Treppe lausche ich… Continue reading Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland
Hovering Phylloscopus – Warblers
Every now and then several species of old-world Warblers of the genus Phylloscopus are observed feeding on pollen and nectar. This habit is usually found during migratory periods and is thought to be associated by scientists as a means of building energy after or before long-distance flights. So far, migratory Phylloscopus warblers have been observed… Continue reading Hovering Phylloscopus – Warblers