Ein Männchen der Tafelente (Aythya ferina), ein Erpel, kämpft sich durch die Wellen und taucht von Zeit zu Zeit nach Nahrung. Der Eindruck durch die tiefe Kameraposition ist eindrucksvoll. Schon zeitig im Winter mausern die Vögel zurück in ihr Prachtkleid und der rostrote Kopf und das rote Auge geben den perfekten Kontrapunkt zum Blau des… Continue reading Erfahrungsbericht Canon R 5: Tafelente in den Wellen
Tag: Common Moorhen
Wigeons on park pond in wintering Brandenburg
Only small areas of water right on the edge of the reed have remained open. It’s been cold for days, temperatures are around freezing point. Now a strong north wind has taken over. A small town pond not only popular with children and seniors as you can see from the beer bottles lying on the… Continue reading Wigeons on park pond in wintering Brandenburg
Common Moorhen at Ribeira do Ferreiro/ Fajã Grande
The general area of Fajã Grande has a great potential for Birdwatching. Die different habitats include lagoons, streams, woods, coastal areas, small pastures, agricultural fields and 1 little lake. This is a place of magnificent beauty. Take the parking spot on the road between 2 bridges and walk from the main road up to the… Continue reading Common Moorhen at Ribeira do Ferreiro/ Fajã Grande