Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

As if they had swallowed a stick, two individuals of a species known from Africa are standing on the banks of a chanal ot the Toshka Project. Between many Gray Herons (Ardea cinerea) two Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis) stand upright with hanging beaks. The colors are beautiful to see in the morning sun. I was… Continue reading Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic

Egyptian Goose: an invasive species in Europe

The Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) shuffles leisurely into the water. Then she begins to bathe extensively. As she sits back and splashes the water, the low sun’s rays illuminate the water, making it look like a sea of glittering diamonds. Seemingly immersed in a magical moment, the goose relaxes as it lets itself be enveloped… Continue reading Egyptian Goose: an invasive species in Europe

Common Shelduck in contryside of the Niederen Flaeming

As far as the eye can see, the agricultural steppe spreads in the area of ​​the Niederen (Lower) Flaeming in the south of Brandenburg. The area covers the intensive agricultural land west, south and east of Jüterbog, from Marzahna in the west to Dahme / Mark in the east. The flat undulating, slightly hilly landscape… Continue reading Common Shelduck in contryside of the Niederen Flaeming

Ospreys attack White-tailed Eagle at the nest

Their nests are never far from water. The bulky structures are often high on a pylon for the power supply. Sometimes the nests are scattered over the landscape, sometimes they are not far from a road or a village. A nest of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) not far from a parallel main road made me… Continue reading Ospreys attack White-tailed Eagle at the nest

Immigrant from Africa: the Egyptian Goose

If you are looking for the Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) you have to memorize the typical chatter of this species, because the deliberately calling male Egyptian Goose does not hide. Originally native to Africa, the Egyptian Goose is no longer an exception in Germany. Today, these sole members of the genus Alopochen are frequently found… Continue reading Immigrant from Africa: the Egyptian Goose

Egyptian Goose with water sprayers in the backlight

Violent hunting with water sprayers in the backlight. This is what the ambitious natural photographer likes to find in order to approach a bird species with action photographs. It pays additionally to photograph a colorful goose. Interesting for the photographer are the preferred bathing places. They are visited by the birds with regularity. Here they… Continue reading Egyptian Goose with water sprayers in the backlight

Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley

Based on a message in in the beginning of May I when visited the Schiersteiner water works in the vicinity of Wiesbaden in the Rheingau region. This area is about 50 km west from the Frankfurt city center. A singing Reed Warbler had been seen. Maybe a nice photo opportunity. Shortyl after arrival at… Continue reading Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley

Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten

Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany. It is well known although the city limits inhabit only roughly 600,000 people. But the greater Frankfurt area of course is much more populated. If you are on business in Frankfurt and have some spare time between two meetings and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested… Continue reading Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten