At the beginning of last winter, I watched with interest the hustle and bustle around the bird table in our garden during breakfast. It was a beautiful morning with sunshine. A Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) kept coming to the bird feeder because he thought he would find sunflower seeds there. A little later, a… Continue reading Bird photography in your own garden: use of a camouflage tent
Tag: Eurasian Blackbird
Pygmy Owl in CHKO Kokorin in Czech Republic
It is foggy and windless in the Kokorin Valley. The area is named after Kokorin Castle, which towers over the valley of the same name. Already at the southern end of the long valley there are impressive sandstone formations that are so typical of this area. The numerous pine trees give the wildly romantic landscape… Continue reading Pygmy Owl in CHKO Kokorin in Czech Republic
Rotdrossel in Weißdorn
Ein Parkfriedhof, der nicht zu stark gepflegt wird, ist ideal für die Vögel im Winter. Früchte für Amseln (Turdus merula), aber auch Buchfinken (Fringilla coelebs) bietet neben dem, was unter Laub und Streu liegt z.B. der Weißdorn (Crataegus monogyna). Der Eingriffelige Weißdorn aber auch der Sauerdorn (Berberis vulgaris), auch Berberitze genannt sind bunte Sträucher mit… Continue reading Rotdrossel in Weißdorn
Remote Shots of a male Blackbird feeding nestling
The melodic song of the male Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula) could already be heard in late winter. On a recently set up wooden pile in the backyard there was suddenly a finely woven nest – quite open at a height of approx. 1.80 m. So a pair of Eurasian Blackbirds had set up their nest… Continue reading Remote Shots of a male Blackbird feeding nestling
Pygmy Owl in the upper Harz Mountains
A hike in the highlands around the Brocken, the highest mountain far and wide. It’s foggy and windless. It also snowed for a few days. Then suddenly a rhythmic song, a scale, can be heard. It is a Eurasian Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium passerinum), which sits a little later on a dead, thickly icy spruce tree… Continue reading Pygmy Owl in the upper Harz Mountains
Redwing in hawthorn
A park cemetery that is not overly maintained is ideal for birds in winter. Fruit for Blackbirds (Turdus merula), but also Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) is available in addition to what lies under leaves and litter, for example Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). The Hawthorn and the Common Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), also known just as Barberry, are colorful… Continue reading Redwing in hawthorn
Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
20 small birds are constantly on the move between a garden bush and the nearby birdhouse. Right away I can identify Great Tits (Parus major), Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), Nuthatches (Sitta europaea), Greenfinches (Chloris chloris), Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) and House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). While Great Tits and Blue Tits prefer to fly to the feeder,… Continue reading Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
Turkish sick jay with begging young bird on Black Sea coast
The view of the blue sea through the pines and chestnut trees is really impressive. Well-known calls reveal that Eurasian Jays (Garrulus glandarius) initially roam around the hotel invisibly. Then I see them too. They are 2 birds of the same species. One looks amazingly disheveled, the other is obviously a hatchling that wants to… Continue reading Turkish sick jay with begging young bird on Black Sea coast
Thrushes feeding on fruits in winter
A beautiful Redwing (Turdus iliacus) roam on the lichen-covered branches of the Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) to enjoy the red berries in thick fog. A bush of the European Holly (Ilex aquifolium) – also simply called Ilex – in the back of my front yard has been glowing full of red fruits since autumn, too. But… Continue reading Thrushes feeding on fruits in winter
Erste Nachtigall des Jahres 2021
Warme Luftströmungen haben den lang anhaltenden Strom polarer Luft im Spätfrühling abgelöst. Die ersten Singdrosseln (Turdus philomelos) sind schon mit ihrem markanten, melancholischen Gesang zu vernehmen. Die Amseln (Turdus merula) bauen schon fleißig am Nest. Der Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita) ruft sein eintöniges Lied. Die Stare (Sturnus vulgaris) fliegen laut schwätzend zwischen den Gärten hin und… Continue reading Erste Nachtigall des Jahres 2021
Aggressiver Kernbeißer am Futterplatz
Ein paar achtlos hingeworfene Sonnenblumen-körner auf einem Holzhackplatz. Das zieht Haussperlinge (Passer domesticus) magisch und lautstark an. Plötzlich steht ein Kernbeißer (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) auf einem dicken Baumstamm. Im Frühjahr mit dem Laubaustrieb fressen Kernbeißer vor allem frische Blätter; es werden aber wohl auch Körner nicht verschmät. Schnell hat der Kernbeißer in mitten der Spatzen Platz… Continue reading Aggressiver Kernbeißer am Futterplatz
Letzte Tage junger Habichte am Nest
Der Wald ist still geworden. Ab und zu ruft ein Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius) oder eine junge Amsel (Turdus merula) mit ihrem hohen Pfiepen aus dem Übergangsbereich zwischen Kiefernfort und Erlenbruch. Das Nest des Habichts (Accipiter gentilis) zeigt sich aber verwaist. Noch vor wenigen Tagen zeigten sich die 3 Jungen nicht nur am frühen Morgen sehr… Continue reading Letzte Tage junger Habichte am Nest