Recommendations for a stay in the Stelvio National Park

In the heart of the majestic Alps, where rugged peaks rise into the sky and untouched landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies the enchanting Stelvio National Park or Stilfser Joch. Nestled in this breathtaking expanse lies the Stelvio Pass, a mountainous wonderland that attracts both adventurers and nature lovers. For avid… Continue reading Recommendations for a stay in the Stelvio National Park

Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

A meeting of nature enthusiasts at dawn. In the heart of the majestic Alps, where rugged peaks rise into the sky and untouched landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies the enchanting Stelvio National Park. Nestled in this breathtaking expanse lies the Stelvio Pass, a mountainous wonderland that attracts both adventurers and… Continue reading Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria

One afternoon we almost finished our hike through the Nockberge-mountains.  In some spruce trees, we saw a family of Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). The followed us for several minutes and gave excellent views. The term “Nocke” refers to the rounded shapes of the mountains in the southern Austrian Alps, which reach up to 2,400 meters… Continue reading Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria

Alpenbraunellen und andere hochalpine Vogelarten in Hessen

Sogar 3 Alpenbraunellen (Prunella collaris) konnten am 11. April 2014 auf dem Großen Feldberg, nur 20 km von der Frankfurter Innenstadt entfernt, beobachtet werden. Nachdem ein lokaler Ornithologe, Ingo Roessler, die Art auf der Suche nach Ringdrossel (Turdus torquatus), in der Nähe des Städtchens Schmitten gefunden hatte, waren damals schnell mehrere Ornithologen auf dem Gipfel… Continue reading Alpenbraunellen und andere hochalpine Vogelarten in Hessen

Lammergeier at Mount Olymp/ Macedonia

The rush of wind through feathers is the only sound to break the silence as a huge bird glided by just a few meters from a crack high in the mountains around Mount Olymp. A Lammergeier or Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) soars above the mountains, scavenging for a meal. It is the only species of… Continue reading Lammergeier at Mount Olymp/ Macedonia

Nockberge: ein österreichischer Biosphärenpark

Der Name Nocke bezeichnet die runden Formen der bis zu 2.400 m hohen Berge im Süden der österreichischen Alpen. Als Bestandteil der Gurktaler Alpen bestehen die Nockberge vorwiegend aus kristallinen Gesteinsarten und zählen erdgeschichtlich zu den ältesten Gebirgen Österreichs. Die geologische Besonderheit dieser Berglandschaft ist jedoch der rund drei Kilometer breite Kalk- und Dolomitgesteinszug, der… Continue reading Nockberge: ein österreichischer Biosphärenpark

Wallcreeper in the Sierra de Guara in Northern Spain

My first attempts were not successful. The very reliable Wallcreeper wall in the town of Alquezar in Aragon revealed a Sparrowhawk instead. In search of this elusive high mountain dweller I payed attention to an article by Dave Gosney from 19th of find March 2008  on ” Birding abroad“. The article is titled: “Finding Wallcreepers… Continue reading Wallcreeper in the Sierra de Guara in Northern Spain