Breeding in the tundra zone of northern Europe, As holarctic guest bird Rough-legged Buzzards (Buteo lagopus) are encountered in Central Europe especially in the winter months. Rough-legged buzzards leave their high northern breeding areas by the end of September / early October. In increasing numbers they migrate in the central European region especially the North… Continue reading Birding around Berlin: Rough-legged buzzards on wintering grounds
Tag: Eurasian Marsh-Harrier
Pallid Harrier: First-summer individual in post-juvenile moult in Havelland
Described in old literature as a rare vagrant, the Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) is much less rare in NW Europe nowadays. It is not yet clear, whether this is due to the numbers of birders in the field, increasing knowledge of the immature and adult female plumage, migrations watchpoints or due to a change in… Continue reading Pallid Harrier: First-summer individual in post-juvenile moult in Havelland
Photo Project: Dancing Great Bustard in Germany
Dancing Great Bustard (Otis tarda) at dawn. That must be a great photo project. The courtship is an incredible spectacle. The male Great Bustard transforms himself into a large, white ball of feathers. To do so, he turns the brown, patterned flight feathers out so that the white underside and the white feathers of the… Continue reading Photo Project: Dancing Great Bustard in Germany
Birding around Berlin: Great Bustards in Brandenburg
Berlin, the capital of Germany is a top tourist destination. Berlin might not sound like a birdwatcher’s paradise but, Berlin offers surprisingly good birding. So the city is a great place to combine a city trip with a birding excursion. If you have spare time between two tourist attractions, if you are fed-up with the… Continue reading Birding around Berlin: Great Bustards in Brandenburg
Tüpfelsumpfhühner an den Reckahner Teichen in Brandenburg
Am Vorabend hatten sich teilweise dicke Wolken breit gemacht. Nun sind aber Sterne am Himmel zu sehen. Die Wolkenlücken sind deutlich größer. Ein schöner Morgen kündigt sich an. Gegen 5:00 mache ich mich auf den Weg. Das Ziel sind die Reckahner Teiche / Kloster Lehnin etwas südlich der A2 bei der Stadt Brandenburg. Ein besonderes… Continue reading Tüpfelsumpfhühner an den Reckahner Teichen in Brandenburg
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have some more spare time but only 2 hours between two flights, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Pallid Harrier on the Schroecker Feld north of Frankfurt/ M
At least since Saturday, July 19, 2014, a plateau east of Marburg, the Schroecker Feld, is home to a male Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus) on. The Schroecker Feld near Marburg is roughly 100km distant from downtown Frankfurt/ Main. This Pallid Harrier male has very pale grey upperparts and is white below. In flight, the distinctive… Continue reading Pallid Harrier on the Schroecker Feld north of Frankfurt/ M
Steppenweihe – Weihentreff auf dem Schröcker Feld bei Marburg
Seit mindestens Samstag, den 19. Juli 2014, hält sich auf dem Plateau östlich von Marburg, das Schröcker Feld genannt wird, eine männliche Steppenweihe (Circus macrourus) auf. Die Weihe wirkte sehr hell, fast weiß, hatte aber – wie auf dem Foto des fliegenden Männchens der Steppenweihe erkennbar – einen schmutzigen Anflug auf
Bearded Tits south of Berlin
Although the capital of Germany, Berlin has a lot to offer in terms of nature, too. In addition to the natural richness this is a legacy of the division of Germany, which has prevented the city´s spread after the end of the 2nd World War like in no other city. This means, that even today… Continue reading Bearded Tits south of Berlin
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue
Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley
Based on a message in in the beginning of May I when visited the Schiersteiner water works in the vicinity of Wiesbaden in the Rheingau region. This area is about 50 km west from the Frankfurt city center. A singing Reed Warbler had been seen. Maybe a nice photo opportunity. Shortyl after arrival at… Continue reading Observations of a Great Reed-Warbler in the Rhine Valley
Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf
The nature reserve Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue (in German: Naturschutzgebiet or NSG Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue) is one of the best sites of riparian forest along the river Rhine. The reserve is the largest protected area in Hesse, with 2,369 hectares. It is located on the right bank of the upper Rhine. Towns nearby are Leeheim, Erfelden, Stockstadt and Biebesheim all… Continue reading Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf