Pygmy Owl in CHKO Kokorin in Czech Republic

It is foggy and windless in the Kokorin Valley. The area is named after Kokorin Castle, which towers over the valley of the same name. Already at the southern end of the long valley there are impressive sandstone formations that are so typical of this area. The numerous pine trees give the wildly romantic landscape… Continue reading Pygmy Owl in CHKO Kokorin in Czech Republic

Eurasian Pygmy-Owl in Saxon Switzerland National Park south of Dresden

As the sun sinks behind the horizon and casts long shadows across the forest floor, the kingdom of owls in the “Saxon Switzerland” National Park should be visited. In the mysterious hours between dusk and dawn they come to life. With every step the forest shines into the observer to envelop a symphony of rustling… Continue reading Eurasian Pygmy-Owl in Saxon Switzerland National Park south of Dresden

Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria

One afternoon we almost finished our hike through the Nockberge-mountains.  In some spruce trees, we saw a family of Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). The followed us for several minutes and gave excellent views. The term “Nocke” refers to the rounded shapes of the mountains in the southern Austrian Alps, which reach up to 2,400 meters… Continue reading Spotted Nutcracker in the Nockberge in Austria

Arunachal Pradesh and 1 of its owls: Collared Owlet

Driving in the Himalayas. Our driver is a real expert. Right next to the roadside of the well-known Mandala Road in Arunachal Pradesh, only about 10m away, a little owl is sitting on a bamboo bush. A heated discussion ensues. Eventually the owl turns out to be a Collared Owlet (Taenioptynx brodiei). This small owl… Continue reading Arunachal Pradesh and 1 of its owls: Collared Owlet

MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

INTRODUCTION The main goal was to carry out the first vacation in post-Corona times. For this purpose, we were looking for a country that is rather relaxed when it comes to entering the country. Also in the foreground is to relax and to photograph the Rock Partridge or a few good eastern European Warblers and… Continue reading MONTENEGRO – a birding trip to the south-western Balkan in May

Eurasian Pygmy-Owls in Brandenburg

Wintertime is the best time to detect owls. And the Eurasian Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) is no exception to that pattern. The Rochauer Heide, an area of dense oak and pine forest some 60 km south of Berlin, lies in a monotonous peace in the wintry twilight. The oaks are bare and the pines and spruces… Continue reading Eurasian Pygmy-Owls in Brandenburg

Sperlingskauz in Rochauer Heide

In der winterlichen Dämmerung liegt die Rochauer Heide in eintöniger Ruhe. Mittendrin ist vom Straßenlärm der B 87 nichts zu hören. Die Eichen stehen kahl und die Kiefern und Fichten geben mit ihrem Grün die einzige Abwechslung im grau-braun des Waldes. Dann – gegen 17:30 – an diesem Februarabend ist der eintönige, helle Ruf eines… Continue reading Sperlingskauz in Rochauer Heide

Nockberge: ein österreichischer Biosphärenpark

Der Name Nocke bezeichnet die runden Formen der bis zu 2.400 m hohen Berge im Süden der österreichischen Alpen. Als Bestandteil der Gurktaler Alpen bestehen die Nockberge vorwiegend aus kristallinen Gesteinsarten und zählen erdgeschichtlich zu den ältesten Gebirgen Österreichs. Die geologische Besonderheit dieser Berglandschaft ist jedoch der rund drei Kilometer breite Kalk- und Dolomitgesteinszug, der… Continue reading Nockberge: ein österreichischer Biosphärenpark

Where to watch birds in Germany: Fichtelgebirge

The stars sparkle from the cloudless firmament. In the dark the hike up to the mountain started. The markings lead you via forest paths and logging trails. After about 2, 5 hours and 4 km you can start the final spurt to the summit. When you arrive, you can feel the coolness of the early… Continue reading Where to watch birds in Germany: Fichtelgebirge

Sperlingskauz am Waldstein

Noch im Dunkeln geht es den Berg hoch. Die Markierungen führen einen über Waldwege und Forstpisten. Nach ca. 2, 5 Stunden und 4 km kann man den Endspurt zum Gipfel starten. Der Blick geht kurz vor dem Gipfel nach oben. Still sitzt dort ein Sperlingskauz (Glaucidium passerinum). Eine fetter Maus in den Fängen. Der Kopf… Continue reading Sperlingskauz am Waldstein

Occurrence and habitat of Eurasian Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) in Brandenburg

This small owl is the sole member in Europe of a worldwide spread genus Glaucidium. The owl inhabits mainly the coniferous forest zone, especially the upland and mountain areas up to the tree line in Central Europe. But in the 19th Century this owl was widespread distributed in all the mountain ranges of central Europe… Continue reading Occurrence and habitat of Eurasian Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium passerinum) in Brandenburg