Bird photography in your own garden: use of a camouflage tent

At the beginning of last winter, I watched with interest the hustle and bustle around the bird table in our garden during breakfast. It was a beautiful morning with sunshine. A Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) kept coming to the bird feeder because he thought he would find sunflower seeds there. A little later, a… Continue reading Bird photography in your own garden: use of a camouflage tent

Young Wrens out of the nest

Sometimes natures tell the best stories. You have to enjoy the little things. Eurasian Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) have bred in the forest behind our house. They were kind enough to introduce us to their fledgling offspring. In the morning I was wondering why a Eurasian Wren kept warning. Maybe he wants to distract from the… Continue reading Young Wrens out of the nest

A Blackcap with nesting material in its beak in Montenegro

A Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), a female recognizable by the rusty-brown crest, suddenly sits on a low branch. It has fine, but long, nesting material in its beak. Despite the short distance to us, it sits irresolutely on the branch with the blackish roots for a while. In fact, the male Blackcap builds several nest beginnings… Continue reading A Blackcap with nesting material in its beak in Montenegro

Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland

Zunächst verrät nichts die Anwesenheit eines Zwergschnäppers (Ficedula parva). Aber heute früh ist er von der „Großen Treppe“, der Verbindung von Ober- zu Unterlang auf Helgoland gemeldet worden. Zuerst sind nur die Zilpzalpe (Phylloscopus collybita) und der Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes) im Hang zu hören. Von der Empore auf mittlerer Höhe der Großen Treppe lausche ich… Continue reading Zwergschnäpper an der „Grossen Treppe“ auf Helgoland