Den Wendehals fotografieren

Die penetranten wäh-wäh-wäh – Rufe sind schon von weitem zu hören. Der Verursacher bleibt aber verborgen. In der zweiten Aprilhälfte sind die kräftigen Balzrufe eines Vogels, den man sehr selten zu Gesicht bekommt, häufig zu hören.  Der Wendehals  (Jynx torquilla) ist es, der zu hören ist. Seine Stimme ist jedenfalls unverkennbar. Der Wendehals bevorzugt offene… Continue reading Den Wendehals fotografieren

Middle Spotted Woodpecker at Hainich National Park, Thuringia

A high-pitched call in early spring is heard from afar. An obtrusive väh-wäh-wäh – combination of calls can be heard after. A beautiful old mixed beech forest with several layers and plenty of dead wood is home of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius).  A small hiking trail passes the ground at Langes Tal in… Continue reading Middle Spotted Woodpecker at Hainich National Park, Thuringia

Photographing Wrynecks

An Eurasian Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) sitting open on a stone singing in the morning light is a really rare sighting. The obtrusive väh-wäh-wäh – calls can be heard from afar. The emitting bird remains hidden. In the second half of April, the powerful courtship calls of a bird, which is rarely seen, are often heard.… Continue reading Photographing Wrynecks

A gourmet among woodpeckers: a Wryneck in Estonia

Hi-pitched callings are coming out of nowhere. Even the direction is not clear. In the poor light of the dawn I see a bird in flight. First I think of a Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria) or maybe a small female shrike like a Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Suddenly a Eurasian Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) hops around… Continue reading A gourmet among woodpeckers: a Wryneck in Estonia

Young Whinchat on summer morning

A fresh morning. Thick layers of fog are lying over the wetlands of the Nuthe floodplain south of Berlin. The weather forecast was perfect and everywhere there were numerous motives. So I took advantage of every free minute in the morning to be outside. The meadows along the river offer a diverse habitat structure. One… Continue reading Young Whinchat on summer morning

Kuckucke auf dem Frühjahrszug

Bald ist wieder die Zeit auf die häufig besungenen und beschriebenen Rufe des Kuckuck (Cuculus canorus) zu achten. 7 Satelliten markierte Kuckucke haben damit begonnen, sich den Weg in die Brutgebiete zu machen. Wissenschaftler des britischen British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) wurden mit Transmittern ausgestattet, um den Zugverlauf dieser sagenumwobenen Vögel herauszufinden. Wie in Mitteleuropa… Continue reading Kuckucke auf dem Frühjahrszug

Overshoots im Frühjahrszug auf den britischen Inseln

Es lohnt sich immer wieder, mal über den Tellerrand des unmittelbaren Orni-Umfelds zu schauen. So konnten auch die Birder auf der Insel im Westen des Kontinents das erste Wochenende im April als Frühling mit angenehmen Temperaturen, einem leichten Windchen und in der Regel Sonnenschein willkommen heißen. Mit den frühlingshaften Temperaturen war auch auf den britischen… Continue reading Overshoots im Frühjahrszug auf den britischen Inseln

New Natura 2000 bird sanctuary: Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim

On 11 December 2014, the first information boards for the Natura 2000 bird sanctuary “Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim“were presented to public by the Chairman of the BUND Dossenheim, Dermot O’Connor. The press is coming soon. When designing the images for the info panel – inter alia the Wryneck (Jynx torquilla), Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius),… Continue reading New Natura 2000 bird sanctuary: Bergstrasse Dossenheim – Schriesheim

Eurasian Wryneck and other birds in Bulgaria

I am now back from a trip to Bulgaria for quite a while. As I wrote already in the Bee-eater-Blog, the main purpose was to photograph European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster). But as I mentioned in the recent blog, Bulgaria is full of wildlife which could be found relatively easy. As most of the mornings were… Continue reading Eurasian Wryneck and other birds in Bulgaria

Irish Bird Trip to the Frankfurt area in Germany; 16thMay-19th May 2014

We flew in from Kerry airport Ireland and landed at Hahn to met by Johannes Ferdinand from Bird-Lens our bird guide.  During our stay we had no rain, some cloud in the mornings and plenty of sunshine all day. We saw a total of 113 birds including lifers Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris), Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus… Continue reading Irish Bird Trip to the Frankfurt area in Germany; 16thMay-19th May 2014

Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja

The north-eastern countryside of Bulgaria called Dobruja or in Bulgarian Dobrudzha or in romanian Dobrogea was not famous of being one of Bulgaria´s birding hot spots for bird-lens before. But a trip to the Romanian Dobrogea in may 2012 was already very productive. Thus maybe an excursion to that thinly populated area south of the… Continue reading Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja