Haubenlerchen im Schnee im Fläming

Nach einer Woche Minustemperaturen und anschließendem Tauwetter gibt es wieder einen Wintereinbruch mit Schnee in Deutschland. In der letzten Nacht hat es geschneit. Die Temperaturen liegen um den Gefrierpunkt. An den Straßenrändern taut es aber schon wieder. Die Luft ist kalt und feucht. Die meisten Flächen auf einem ausgedehnten ehemaligen LPG-Gelände liegen an diesem Sonntag… Continue reading Haubenlerchen im Schnee im Fläming

Albinotic Chaffinch at winter feeder in Lower Saxonia

During a visit to a hide in front of a winter feeding station near the small town of Salzhemmendorf some 40 km south of Hanover in Lower Saxony, I was lucky enough to see a leucistic male Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and I could shot some photos of the bird. That was on January 30th… Continue reading Albinotic Chaffinch at winter feeder in Lower Saxonia

Woodpeckers at the winter feeder

A few years ago, I was a guest at a commercial winter feeding site for raptors. Great shooting conditions, beautiful scenery, great birds. Unfortunatelly not quite around the corner of my home located in the Eifel. ” …this I can do that, too” ,I thought. But then it turned out to be not so easy.… Continue reading Woodpeckers at the winter feeder