Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

A meeting of nature enthusiasts at dawn. In the heart of the majestic Alps, where rugged peaks rise into the sky and untouched landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies the enchanting Stelvio National Park. Nestled in this breathtaking expanse lies the Stelvio Pass, a mountainous wonderland that attracts both adventurers and… Continue reading Hiking and birding in Stelvio National Park in the Alps

Pied Wagtail at sewage plant north of Berlin

Normally, the Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii) occurs in Germany in winter as a vagrant in the north-west, especially at the North Sea. In 2021, for example, the species was found on Hohe Klint near Oxstedt in the district of Cuxhaven, on the island of Borkum, on the salt marshes of Juist or (on several… Continue reading Pied Wagtail at sewage plant north of Berlin

White-throated Dippers in the valleys of the Vosges

A black bird with partially white belly rushes in a low flight along between huge boulders over the fast-flowing stream. For sure, this is a White-throated Dipper (Cinclus cinclus). Often you see them with nesting material in the beak. These are the classic photos that you see of dippers. They fly preferably to and from… Continue reading White-throated Dippers in the valleys of the Vosges

Alpine birds in the Haut Chaumes / Vosges

The mountain meadows in the Vosges are very attractive in summer time. Beside birds of the alpine zone one sees some interesting plants like Yellow Gentian (Gentiana lutea), Mountain arnica (Arnica montana), Alpine Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla alpina), Mountain Pansy (Viola lutea). Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), Meadow Pipits (Anthus pratensis) and Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) are certainly the… Continue reading Alpine birds in the Haut Chaumes / Vosges

Kleiber an Nisthöhle in Estland

In dem baltischen Staat Estland mit seiner flachen Topographie ist ein wild schäumender Fluß eine Seltenheit. Die Meldung auf der lokalen Birderplattform für Estland, daß hier eine Zitronenstelze (Motacilla citreola) gesichtet worden, war, machte daher neugierig. Nach einem erfolgreichen Foto-Shooting der Doppelschnepfe (Gallinago media) in der Nähe von Haapsalu wartete ein Aufenthalt im Lahemma NP… Continue reading Kleiber an Nisthöhle in Estland

Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa

While the southern landscapes in Spain – like the Estremadura – are among the most popular photo destinations on the Iberian Peninsula, the mountains in the north, like the Picos De Europa, are largely unknown to many bird photographers. On my travels to Spain mountainous birds of the Hochgebirge had been too short. They were… Continue reading Birdphotographie in the Picos De Europa

Wasseramseln: eine fotografische Herausforderung

Über schnellfließenden, klaren, sauberen Flüssen und Bächen ist mitunter der Flug eine dunklen Vogels zu erkennen. Im Tiefflug schießt er über das Wasser, umgeht dabei meisterhaft evtl. aus dem Wasser ragende Felsen und umgestürzte Bäume und ist auch schon um die nächste Biegung des Baches verschwunden. Für eine an Gefiederdetails orientierte genaue Artbestimmung dauert der… Continue reading Wasseramseln: eine fotografische Herausforderung

Dippers – photography along streams and rivers

Photographing White-throated Dippers (Cinclus cinclus) in the natural habitat normally means to shoot on a black bird with partially white underparts with nesting material in the beak for the nest building. These are the classic photos that you see of dippers. They fly preferably to and from exposed spots, as stones outstanding on the water.… Continue reading Dippers – photography along streams and rivers

Fotografieren von Wasseramseln im natürlichen Habitat

Wasseramsel (Cinclus cinclus) mit Nistmaterial für den Nestbau. Das sind die klassischen Fotos, die man von Wasseramseln sieht. Sie fliegen dabei bevorzugt exponierte Stellen wie z.B. aus dem Wasser herausragende Steine an. Schnellfließende, klare und saubere Flüsse und Bäche sind aufgrund der zunehmenden Landschaftsveränderungen und der Umweltverschmutzungen in unseren Breiten rar geworden. Dort, wo es… Continue reading Fotografieren von Wasseramseln im natürlichen Habitat

Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue

Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf

The nature reserve Kuehkopf-Knoblochsaue (in German: Naturschutzgebiet or NSG Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue) is one of the best sites of riparian forest along the river Rhine. The reserve is the largest protected area in Hesse, with 2,369 hectares. It is located on the right bank of the upper Rhine. Towns nearby are Leeheim, Erfelden, Stockstadt and Biebesheim all… Continue reading Lowland birds in and around Kuehkopf

Wallcreeper in the Sierra de Guara in Northern Spain

My first attempts were not successful. The very reliable Wallcreeper wall in the town of Alquezar in Aragon revealed a Sparrowhawk instead. In search of this elusive high mountain dweller I payed attention to an article by Dave Gosney from 19th of find March 2008  on ” Birding abroad“. The article is titled: “Finding Wallcreepers… Continue reading Wallcreeper in the Sierra de Guara in Northern Spain