At the beginning of last winter, I watched with interest the hustle and bustle around the bird table in our garden during breakfast. It was a beautiful morning with sunshine. A Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) kept coming to the bird feeder because he thought he would find sunflower seeds there. A little later, a… Continue reading Bird photography in your own garden: use of a camouflage tent
Tag: Great Tit
Kohlmeise beim Baden in den Mangrovengebieten Malaysias
Die Tropfen spritzen meterweit. Ausgiebig badet eine farblos erscheinende Kohlmeise in dem seichten Wasser einer Schale an einem verlassenen Fischerdörfchen. Die Federn sind völlig durchnässt. Da wir uns aber in den Mangrovengebieten Malaysias befindet kann es die in Europa einheimische Kohlmeise (Parus major) nicht sein. Dazu wäre sie auch zu eintönig gefärbt. Stattdessen handelt es… Continue reading Kohlmeise beim Baden in den Mangrovengebieten Malaysias
Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
20 small birds are constantly on the move between a garden bush and the nearby birdhouse. Right away I can identify Great Tits (Parus major), Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), Nuthatches (Sitta europaea), Greenfinches (Chloris chloris), Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) and House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). While Great Tits and Blue Tits prefer to fly to the feeder,… Continue reading Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
Bramblings in preparation for migration
Polyphonic, high-pitched calls resound from the dense tops of a pine forest at the edge of a sports field in southern Brandenburg, only 50 km away from Berlin. The calls can be heard from far away and are characterized by their rather squawking pitch. The birds can be heard from different directions. It must be… Continue reading Bramblings in preparation for migration
My backyard, garden bird photography near Berlin
I’m really enjoying my garden bird photography at the moment. Since October I have had a feeding place for the birds in the garden. The feeding site is quite busy. But there are many birds of prey here on the outskirts of the village. I think the most dangerous is the resident male Eurasian Sparrowhawk… Continue reading My backyard, garden bird photography near Berlin
Eichelhäher im handfesten Streit im Winter
Eine ausdrucksstarke, dynamische Szene der sich im Flug vehement streitenden Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius) ist kein Kinderspiel. Die beiden Streithähne sind großartig mit offenen Flügeln und den schönen Farben vor der offensichtlich winterlichen Kulisse in Szene gesetzt. Ein echter Tanz der Häher. Ein wunderbar dynamisches und lebendiges Bild! Die technische Umsetzung heißt in erster Linie beide… Continue reading Eichelhäher im handfesten Streit im Winter
Great Tit inspects Hoopoe-nest
With spread wings, the Great Tit (Parus major) swoops towards a hole in a wooden wall. The Tit inspects the large round hole for a good 3 seconds during the approach, flying sometimes less than 10 cm from the entrance. The pair of Great Tits has been doing gymnastics around an open shelter or… Continue reading Great Tit inspects Hoopoe-nest
Bramblings in autumn forest
It prevails, wonderfully calm autumn weather. Otherwise, autumn is associated with rain and storm. It promises to be a sunny October day. In the morning I set off for a longer walk in the Brandenburg quarry forests. The sun penetrates the haze, over which is a steel-blue sky spread. After the first few meters, a… Continue reading Bramblings in autumn forest
Eurasian jays feeds on songbird
Since October I have had a feeding place for the birds in the garden. There are many birds of prey here on the edge of the village. where the most dangerous I think is the resident female Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus). In any case, it is clear to the rest of the birds that it… Continue reading Eurasian jays feeds on songbird
Sparrowhawk feeding on a House Sparrow
If you operate a winter bird feeder, you can easily make beautiful and interesting nature observations from the window. For this reason I also feed, and not because I expect it to have a nature conservation effect. Many of our endangered birds aren’t there in winter anyway. They are in the warm south and would… Continue reading Sparrowhawk feeding on a House Sparrow
Jay at the feeding place
Usually this bird rarely comes within shooting range. When it comes to winter feeding, it can also be seen from a shorter distance: the Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius). The most colorful raven bird in our latitudes. Usually it is a cautious fellow which is only occasionally seen up close. You can hear its voice there… Continue reading Jay at the feeding place
Buntspecht an verkohlten Kiefernstamm
Dort wo im Sommer die Flammen bei einigen der größten Waldbrände in Brandenburg der vergangenen Jahre wüteten, sind rund 90 Prozent der Bäume nicht mehr zu retten. Dort, wo die angekohlten Stämme bereits entfernt wurden, sieht man bereits jetzt Grün wachsen. Dazwischen stehen noch verkohlte Kiefernstämmchen, die der Harvester wohl übersehen hat. Da ein Großteil… Continue reading Buntspecht an verkohlten Kiefernstamm