Neuntöter und aufgespiesste Beute in Brandenburg

Bei einer kleinen Wanderung um den Riebener See konnte eine aufgespießte Feldgrille entdeckt werden. Sie war offensichtlich gerade erst auf das lose Ende eines Wildschutzgitters um einen Apfelbaum aufgespießt worden. Der ggf. „Zuständige“ und Verantwortliche konnte wenig später gerade 100m weiter ebenfalls auf einem Haltpfosten für einen Kirschbaum beobachtet werden. Es handelte sich um einen… Continue reading Neuntöter und aufgespiesste Beute in Brandenburg

Stockente als erfolgreicher Fischjäger

Der morgendliche Ausflug zum Blankensee verschaffte dem Frühaufsteher nicht nur eine wunderschöne Wasserlandschaft an einem eindrucksvollen Wintermorgen mit Minustemperaturen und Nebel sondern auch wieder bemerkenswerte Vogelbeobachtungen. Neben den allgegenwärtigen Graureihern (Ardea cinerea) und Silberreihern (Ardea alba) waren auch mindestens 3 Rohrdommel (Botaurus stellaris) im ersten Dämmerungslicht zu sehen. Die Entenvögel waren mit Stockente (Anas platyrhynchos),… Continue reading Stockente als erfolgreicher Fischjäger

Vagrant Dusky Thrush in Western Europe

A strong, white supercilium, blackish cheeks and long white submoustachial stripe on a Thrush in late fall might mean just a Redwing (Turdus iliacus). But sometimes, it is something different, something “better”. Dutch birders in Groningen were (almost) lucky to find a Dusky Thrush (Turdus eunomus) yesterday. Unfortunately the bird was found dead on a… Continue reading Vagrant Dusky Thrush in Western Europe

Pulli – young birds on Northern Sea Coast

Spending the yearly vacation this time in the Netherlands, it was possible to look for birds as well. Besides an observation of an adult Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) north of Callantsoog in the newly established nature reserve “The Nollen van Abbestede”,  I could see a lot of young birds – the so-called pulli – of… Continue reading Pulli – young birds on Northern Sea Coast

Alpensegler: eine Paarung im Flug

Während einer Reise vom 1. bis zum 8. Juli nach Rumänien und Bulgarien konnte eine bemerkenswerte Beobachtung in den rumänischen Karpaten im Bild festgehalten werden. Ein Männchen und ein Weibchen des Alpenseglers (Apus melba) wurden gesehen, wie sie unter einem Felsvorsprung in einer Steilwand flogen und dabei über mehrere Sekunden die Begattung vollzogen. Dies konnte… Continue reading Alpensegler: eine Paarung im Flug

Hazel Grouse: the results

In total we visited 5 different locations where the local guides had encountered several individuals of the Hasezl Grouse the last weeks or even years. The last encounter sometimes was only 3 days before. 4 of the locations were locations like a lek – where you could hear the mating song and the mating

Hazel Grouse: the hide

Additionally finding Hazel Grouse means knowing the behavior of the Hazel Grouse. E.g. the Hazel Grouse is – although a shy bird – quite responsive or even aggressive during the mating season which has a first peak in September and then again in March/ April. In this time you can hear the mating call or… Continue reading Hazel Grouse: the hide

Hazel Grouse: the habitat

Finding Hazel Grouse is equivalent of knowing the habits of the Hazel Grouse which means also knowing and recognizing the habitat of the Hazel Grouse. The search for the right habitat is not eased by the fact, that the Hazel Grouse has at least 3 different habitat requirements during the year in the different seasons.… Continue reading Hazel Grouse: the habitat

Finding Hazel Grouse in the Carpathians

Hazel Grouses (Bonasa bonasia) are certainly one of the most thought-after bird species for naturalist and bird photographers in western Palearctic. This is in parts due to the fact, that this bird is one of the few autochthon representatives of the Phasianidae family in Middle Europe. And: actually it is a very beautiful bird. Unfortunately… Continue reading Finding Hazel Grouse in the Carpathians

Copula in flight of Alpine Swift in Romania´s Carpathians

 During a trip from July 1st till 8th 2013 to observe birds in Romania and Bulgaria a remarkable sighting could be noted. A couple of Alpine Swift (Apus melba) was seen flying below a crag in a steep rock and copulated for several seconds. This could be seen in a beautiful gorge near the town… Continue reading Copula in flight of Alpine Swift in Romania´s Carpathians

Male King Eider on Baltic Sea of Germany

During the last days one male King Eider, Somateria spectabilis, continues to stay at Kalkhorst at the shores of the Baltic Sea. The german sea resort is approx. 15km distance east of Travemünde, Lübeck. This male King Eider in beautiful breeding plumage is obviously only one of the few records for 2013 so far south… Continue reading Male King Eider on Baltic Sea of Germany

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) at Laguna Gallocanta/ Spain

During the last days one Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) continues to stay at the Laguna Gallocanta in the south-western part of Aragon, Spain. This bird is obviously only the 3rd record for Spain since 2009 although there are more observations from the northern part of the Western Palearctic. The Sandhill Crane is present at least… Continue reading Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) at Laguna Gallocanta/ Spain