Where and how to photograph Hawfinches

Right now, there is a large invasion of Hawfinches (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) recorded for Great Britain. The peak took place in fall 2017, and good numbers have remained during the winter months. With fewer than 1,000 breeding pairs in Britain, Hawfinch populations are critically low and the bird is Red-listed as a Bird of Conservation Concern,… Continue reading Where and how to photograph Hawfinches

Pribilof: Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer

Weit draußen in der Beringsee, fast 500 km westlich vom Festland Alaskas und knapp 400 km nördlich der Aleuten, liegen die Pribilof-Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer der Beringsee. Angeblich sind die Inseln nach dem russischen Pelzhändler Gavrill Pribylov benannt, der im 18. Jahrhundert in St. George Island an Land ging. Die Witterung ist rau, die Wolken… Continue reading Pribilof: Inseln im windgepeitschten Meer

Birding Berlin: Charlottenburg Palace

Birding parks in big cities are often a stopgap in between two family arrangements. But parks are often good for excellent surprises. Berlin should result in a great place to combine a city trip with a birding excursion. I started from the flat of a friend at  Prenzlauer Berg. Soon we arrived at a subway… Continue reading Birding Berlin: Charlottenburg Palace

All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt

This morning all 4 species of Sylvia-Warblers which regularly occur in Germany could be seen. First the male of a Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) showed up in the first light of this chilly but sunny morning. Then a beautiful singing individual of a Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) could be seen very near to a observation tower… Continue reading All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt

Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene

There are not too many foreign birdwatchers coming to the middle of Germany for just birding. But Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene

Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Bad Soden

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Bad Soden

Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Langener Waldseen

Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested to know, where you can find good sites to stretch your legs, enjoy fresh… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport: Langener Waldseen

Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park

Because Macin Mountains is famous as an important migration hotspot for raptors in autumn, we decided to visit this site after a visit in May again at the end of September. An excellent choice. Arriving only at around 11:00h the activity of the “normal” birds were low. But the highlight, we were looking for, was… Continue reading Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park

New Bird Images in Picture Shop

Bird Lens is proud to show some excellent images of the birds shot from a hide in Hungary in December in the gallery of the pictures shop. The hide is located in the eastern part of Hungary in a superb old oak forest. The hide has a drinking pool in front of the window of… Continue reading New Bird Images in Picture Shop