Wie Mücken im ersten Morgenlicht fliegen plötzlich Schwalben über die Bergkuppen der sanften Hügel am Çildir Gölü. Uferschwalben (Riparia riparia) umschwirren geradezu die Höhen auf Nahrungssuche. Kleine Mücken sind aus den Ufergewässern um die Hügel aufgestiegen und bieten nun die ersehnte Zwischenmahlzeit auf dem Weg in die Überwinterungsgebiete in Afrika. Die Massen an Uferschwalben –… Continue reading Singvogelzug am Cildir Lake in der Ost-Türkei
Tag: Hirundo rustica
Young Barn Swallow begging for food on a wire
On a warm summer evening, as the sun began to dip below the horizon on the southern shore of Gülper See (Lake Guelpe) young Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) perched precariously on a rusty wire, its tiny wings quivering with anticipation. The scene was alive with the twittering of swallows, but the juveniles all had a… Continue reading Young Barn Swallow begging for food on a wire
Verklärter Herbst & Vogelzug
Verklärter Herbst Gewaltig endet so das Jahr Mit goldnem Wein und Frucht der Gärten. Rund schweigen Wälder wunderbar Und sind des Einsamen Gefährten. Da sagt der Landmann: Es ist gut. Ihr Abendglocken lang und leise Gebt noch zum Ende frohen Mut. Ein Vogelzug grüßt auf… Continue reading Verklärter Herbst & Vogelzug
The view of the stars shows the way, the earth’s magnetic field is the compass
The bird commutes between the Arctic and Antarctic: The Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) from the gull family does not grow forty centimeters long, but covers up to 90,000 kilometers a year. New findings on bird migration always open up exciting insights into the world of birds. How do birds manage their journey, often thousands of… Continue reading The view of the stars shows the way, the earth’s magnetic field is the compass
Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?
The aim of a trip in April 2023 was to visit Egypt again after a long time. On the one hand to round off the list of birds in the western Palaearctic and on the other hand to observe the bird migration along the Nile. During our previous stays we had mostly been to the… Continue reading Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?
Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye
After the thick cloud cover has broken up a bit and the sea is no longer too stormy, I can take really good pictures of a low-flying Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo) in the early morning lights. It’s already the second of its kind. The first was so fast that it simply passes. But the second… Continue reading Eurasian Hobby on the migration along the Black Sea coast of Türkiye
Lohnt Ägypten eigentlich als Birding-Ziel?
Ziel einer Reise im April war es, Ägypten nach langer Zeit wieder zu besuchen, um einerseits die Vogelliste der Westpaläarktis abzurunden und andererseits den Vogelzug entlang des Nils zu beobachten. Bei unseren vorherigen Aufenthalten waren wir überwiegend am Roten Meer gewesen. Einen ausführlichen Tripreport über das Niltal im April gibt es hier! Eine Triplist von… Continue reading Lohnt Ägypten eigentlich als Birding-Ziel?
Egypt- a birding trip in spring migration time
INTRODUCTION With the lifting of the corona restrictions, “normal” trips are now possible again. From the end of 2022, I was planning a vacation in April next year. The aim was to visit Egypt again after a long time, on the one hand to round off the West Palearctic bird list and on the other… Continue reading Egypt- a birding trip in spring migration time
Neu für Ägyptens Vogelliste: die Braunkehl-Uferschwalbe
Wenig später als wir den Bootsanleger in Abu Simbel hinter uns gelassen haben, fahren wir an hohem Schilf entlang. Das Schilf scheint undurchdringlich. Trotzdem sind die hohen Halme des Schilfs voller Leben. Erfüllt vom sonoren Rattern des Stentorrohrsängers (Acrocephalus stentoreus), umschwirrt von Massen an Uferschwalben (Riparia riparia) und Rauchschwalben (Hirundo rustica), die wohl alle auf… Continue reading Neu für Ägyptens Vogelliste: die Braunkehl-Uferschwalbe
Plain Martin Riparia paludicola, new to Egypt birdlist
Shortly, after we have left the jetty in Abu Simbel, we drive along high reeds. The reed seems impenetrable. Nevertheless, the tall stalks of reeds are full of life. Filled with the sonorous rattling of the Clamorous Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus), buzzed around by masses of Sand Martins (Riparia riparia) and Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica), all… Continue reading Plain Martin Riparia paludicola, new to Egypt birdlist
Spontaneous colonization at a retention basin by Little Ringed Plover
In the morning light, a bird with contrasting colors curves with sickle-like wings above a retention basin, which is only 6 months old and is part of a construction project for the renovation of a county road near a village in the middle of the countryside of southern Brandenburg, just 40 kilometers south of Germany´s… Continue reading Spontaneous colonization at a retention basin by Little Ringed Plover
Songbird migration at Cildir Lake in eastern Turkey
The planted pine grove is surprisingly productive. In the car, I patrol the edge of the forest, which is now in the morning sunlight. This draws out the resting migratory birds in masses. I patiently park my car a short distance from the pines and just wait. Several (5) Spotted Flycatchers (Muscicapa striata), a Willow… Continue reading Songbird migration at Cildir Lake in eastern Turkey