Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast

2 Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) are waiting at the waterline in front of the Gold Coast Morib Resort. But even waders cannot cope with a rapidly rising tide. The flock of various species of shorebirds had already begun to gather and were being pushed closer to shore by the rising water level. Some small mangrove… Continue reading Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast

Adventure: driving to the Keoladeo National Park

It is November. A trip to Arunachal Pradesh in north-eastern India is scheduled. Due to delays in domestic flights I find out, that there are still three days left . Now you can spend the time in New Delhi, the capital of India, of course. According to some strange statistics the human population of New… Continue reading Adventure: driving to the Keoladeo National Park