Nachdem ich die Steppenweihe (Circus macrourus), einen wundervoll, elegant fliegenden Greifvogel schon bei Reisen im Monat September auf ihrer Zugroute entlang der Schwarzmeerküste in der Nähe südlich des Donau-Delta und an der Schwarzmeerküste in Rumänien sowie an der Wolga in Russland gesehen hatte, war ich gespannt, ob es mir gelingen würde, diese Vogelart auch während… Continue reading Awash NP: Weihen im Winterquartier in Äthiopien
Tag: juvenile
Harriers on wintering grounds in Awash NP – Ethiopia
Having seen the Pallid Harrier (Circus macrourus), a species of a graceful flying raptor already during trips in September on its migration route along the Black Sea coast near the town of Constanta south of the Danube delta at the Black Sea coast of Romania and north of Astrakhan along the Volga river in Russia… Continue reading Harriers on wintering grounds in Awash NP – Ethiopia
Black Kite on migration along Black Sea coast Romania
During a trip from September 21st till 24th 2012 to experience migrating birds in Romania a remarkable sighting could be noted. A juvenile Black Kite was seen flying against heavy wind southward on his migration route along the Black Sea coast near the town of Eforie over Lake (Lacul) Techirghiol. Lacul Techirghiol and Eforie are… Continue reading Black Kite on migration along Black Sea coast Romania