Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl

Feeding by sweeping their bills back and forth through the water like a rake, a Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is catching food by trapping small prey with their special bill. A spoonbill is a type of wading bird that can be found in shallow water. These birds have a long, spoon-shaped bill that is used… Continue reading Spoonbills at Lake Neusiedl

Photographing European Bee-eater: How and Where

A thin branch in the most beautiful evening light and on it a European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster). This is an image many nature photographers want to shoot. This raises the question of course of what the Bee-eater’s habits and preferences are. If you take a closer look at Bee-eater photography, you ask yourself e.g. how… Continue reading Photographing European Bee-eater: How and Where