Having seen the Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) sitting in a snowstorm during a trip to Lapland and Finmark in northern Norway in early spring, I decided to pay more attention to discover this bird – which is called Great Grey Shrike, too – in the lowlands of Brandenburg in Winter as well. It turned out,… Continue reading Great Grey Shrikes in winter in Brandenburg
Tag: Lapland
Lesser Black-backed Gull in Mehamn, Finmark in early May
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) is said to be on its northern limit in Finmark/ northern Norway. It is described as a scarce and sparse breeding bird in Finmark. First breeding records date back to the 1960s. The bird breeds in small colonies normally in western Finmark and the Porsanger Fjord. The population in Finmark… Continue reading Lesser Black-backed Gull in Mehamn, Finmark in early May
Great Grey Shrike – a winter surprise in Lapland
During a trip to see the first spring birds in Lapland and Finmark in northern Norway, I discovered a Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) which is called Great Grey Shrike, too. The bird was remoteless sitting in a snowstorm in a low birch wood along a road. It was still early May and the landscape was… Continue reading Great Grey Shrike – a winter surprise in Lapland