The Black Scrub-Robin, a rare Western Palearctic bird

Dry Sahel seems to be a hostile living environment in the dry season. Nevertheless it is home to a charismatic species found across the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa from Senegal east to the Red Sea coast of Sudan and Eritrea I Africa: the Black Bush Robin or Black Scrub-Robin (Cercotrichas podobe), an inhabitant of… Continue reading The Black Scrub-Robin, a rare Western Palearctic bird

Cricket Longtail sightings in northern Cameroon

The Cricket Warbler or Cricket Longtail (Spiloptila clamans) is another excellent contribution to the portfolio of Western Palearctic birds for Although only recently encountered inside the boundary of the Western Palearctic this cute, small bird native to the Sahel region is highly welcome. In April 2017, went on a Rockjumper-tour to bird northern… Continue reading Cricket Longtail sightings in northern Cameroon