Caspian Tern on southern shores

„Among the vast hordes of sea birds nesting in the great colonies of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts, this king of all the terns may be seen climbing into the air on its long, strong wings, its big red bill wide open, yelling out its loud raucous cry of defiance. As the dominant, ruling… Continue reading Caspian Tern on southern shores

Raubseeschwalben, die größten Seeschwalben der Welt

„Among the vast hordes of sea birds nesting in the great colonies of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts, this king of all the terns may be seen climbing into the air on its long, strong wings, its big red bill wide open, yelling out its loud raucous cry of defiance. As the dominant, ruling… Continue reading Raubseeschwalben, die größten Seeschwalben der Welt