An unexpected visitor: first-year Long-Tailed Duck in Teltow-Flaeming/ Brandenburg

On a chilly winter day in Brandenburg, a small, seemingly inconspicuous pond became the setting for an extraordinary encounter. Among the usual array of waterfowl, a first-year Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) stood out—a rare visitor far from its typical Arctic and coastal haunts. Its presence, alongside more familiar duck species like Smew (Mergellus albellus), Gadwall… Continue reading An unexpected visitor: first-year Long-Tailed Duck in Teltow-Flaeming/ Brandenburg

Gulls and Ducks in winter fog

A foggy morning in the harbor, and the thick mist seems to be clinging to the masts of the ships in the harbor. There’s a feeling of mystery in the air as the fog creates an eerie atmosphere and obscures the details of the vessels. The kutter in the harbor is not really a majestic… Continue reading Gulls and Ducks in winter fog

Eiderenten im Frost: ein arktisches Abenteuer

Ruhig schwimmen die buntesten Enten der Welt bei Temperaturen von -10 °C im Februar keine 10 Meter vor mir im Hafenwasser vorbei. Fotografieren an der Nordspitze Europas bei -10 °C klingt verrückt. Auf jeden Fall ist es ein echtes Arktisches Abenteuer. Birder in Mitteleuropa sind froh, mal den ein oder anderen hocharktischen Irrgast, einen der… Continue reading Eiderenten im Frost: ein arktisches Abenteuer

Dickschnabellummen auf dem Frühjahrszug im Westen Alaskas

Der Frühjahrszug im Westen Alaskas läßt sich am besten von St. Lawrence beobachten. Gambell ist dabei wirklich das Eldorado für Vogelfotografen und Freitzeit-Birder. Eine der Besonderheiten sind die kopfstarken Trupps der Dickschnabellumme (Uria lomvia). Der Vogel hat wie alle Alkenvögel einen länglichen Körper, die Vögel wirken aber doch pummeliger und durchaus tonnenförmig. Dickschnabellumme schlagen beim… Continue reading Dickschnabellummen auf dem Frühjahrszug im Westen Alaskas

Vagrant Mongolian Plover: seawatching surprise on St. Lawrence Island

Seawatching along the arctic coasts of north-west Alaska – with Siberia on the horizon – was the thrill at the end of May till the first days of June 2016. Along the edges pf St. Lawrence Island seabirds are living and migrating not only in the Nearctic region but also to the Palearctic. Migration was… Continue reading Vagrant Mongolian Plover: seawatching surprise on St. Lawrence Island

Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

A Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) with a yellow bill might be not the only difference what you realize, if you are seabirding on different locations. Well, Somateria mollissima v-nigrum is breeding along the arctic coasts of north-east Siberia to Alaska and shows a yellow bill unlike its relatives from the northern part of Europe. But… Continue reading Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

Red-throated Diver: Migration in May in front of Nordkyn/ Norway

A moment ago it had rained. Now again, you are standing in the most beautiful sunshine. Well, that one is on the lee side of the lighthouse, because the east wind whistles pretty much. In a distance on the horizon you see migratory birds flying ahead against the heavy wind towards the Barents Sea. In… Continue reading Red-throated Diver: Migration in May in front of Nordkyn/ Norway

Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway

It is hard to believe, but also on the northern edge of the WP (Western Palearctic) seabirds are living and migrating. To see them, managed a trip in the beginning of May to the northern tip of Norway, to the Nordkyn peninsula. This is the best location to spot the migration out to the… Continue reading Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway

Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Terns in general are excellent fliers, which may, from time to time, appear as vagrants outside of their home range. Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, are no exception in that. Only some days ago, a Forster’s Tern was found on the coast of Ireland. An adult winter Forster’s Tern could be observed at Corronroo along with… Continue reading Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Eiders in the Frozen

Photographing the most colorful ducks of the world in 10-minus-degree temperatures in February at the northern tip of Europe sounds crazy. Well, whether it is crazy or just stupid is a matter of your point-of-view. But all can agree, that it is real Arctic Adventure. The one or the other vagrant Eider might arrive in… Continue reading Eiders in the Frozen

Odinshühnchen im Finnarksommer am Varangerfjord in Nordnorwegen

Das quirlige Odinshühnchen (Phalaropus lobatus) habe ich nun schon eine ganze Weile auf dem Wasser kreisend bewundert. Jetzt muß ich doch mal meine Kamera holen. Schnell ist die Aufrüstung auf ein Stativ gesetzt und ganz ohne Tarnung kann ich auf einer Insel im Varangerfjord ausgiebig Aufnahmen des wunderschönen Vogels machen. Das Odinshühnchen ist in Deutschland… Continue reading Odinshühnchen im Finnarksommer am Varangerfjord in Nordnorwegen

Steller’s Eider female on Baltic Sea of Germany

Today a female Steller’s Eider, Polysticta stelleri, has been recorded north of the Holnisspitze, which is a peninsula north-east of a town in Schleswig-Holstein named Gluecksburg. After a run in the last days to the one individual of a male King Eider, Somateria spectabilis, at Kalkhorst at the shores of the Baltic Sea, this is… Continue reading Steller’s Eider female on Baltic Sea of Germany