Grey Partridges in winter in Lower Saxonia

Grey Partridges (Perdix perdix) share a hard life with many other birds of fields and meadows in nowadays agricultural steppes. One a common bird, encountered in many rural areas, this nice bird of the family of the Phasianidae, the Pheasants, Fowls & Allies is becoming more and more rare. But there are still some places… Continue reading Grey Partridges in winter in Lower Saxonia

Hawk Owl in Gristede in Lower Saxonia

According to reports in there is a good chance that twitchers of the north of Middle Europe can observe Hawk Owls (Surnia ulula) this winter/ late fall quite close to their homegrounds in the northern parts of Germany. The location of a Hawk Owl spending already several days in that area is in Gristede… Continue reading Hawk Owl in Gristede in Lower Saxonia