In den letzten Tagen gab es erste Berichte über Frühlingszugvögel, die von Südwinden und milden Bedingungen befördert wurden. Die ersten Mönchsgrasmücken (Sylvia atricapilla) wurden schon gemeldet. Die regionalen Schwerpunkte liegen aber eindeutig im Westen Deutschlands. Insbesondere die südliche Rheinebene zwischen Freiburg und Mainz konnte etliche Meldungen verzeichnen. Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola rubicola) sind ebenfalls frühe Sommerbesucher, die… Continue reading Die ersten Zugvögel des Frühlings kommen
Tag: Mainz
Einsatz von Geolokalisatoren bei Brachpiepern
Eine zuverlässige Strategie, um die im Rhein-Main-Gebiet immer seltener gewordenen Brachpieper (Anthus campestris) zu beobachten, ist, sich auf dem Ober-Hilbersheimer Plateau nordwestlich von Mainz im Spätsommer einzufinden und die Art morgens früh auf den abgeernteten Äckern zu suchen. Zugvögel legen auf ihren Flügen zwischen den Brut- und den Überwinterungsgebieten eine Reihe von längeren Zwischenstopps ein.… Continue reading Einsatz von Geolokalisatoren bei Brachpiepern
Searching for Eurasian dotterel on migration through Middle Europe
The Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) is a member of the plover family which migrates from northern Europe, where it breeds, to North Africa, where it winters. In the Middle Rhine area (Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse) the Eurasian dotterel was considered to be a rare vagrant until recently. Only through systematic migration surveys, a large number of… Continue reading Searching for Eurasian dotterel on migration through Middle Europe
Identifying Eurasian dotterel on migration
A bleak agricultural prairie in a low mountain range of Germany. The gaze falls on monotonous furrows. Only on the horizon forest can be discerned. The area seems to be empty of birds. Only at some distance a Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is circling in the air. Nevertheless, this kind of habitat can be of… Continue reading Identifying Eurasian dotterel on migration
The Dotterel – migration pattern in Germany in autumn 2015
Only during migration you will find this cute, little bird of the high Arctic in Germany. The charismatic Eurasian Dotterel (Charadrius morinellus or Eudromias morinellus) has now a loyal fan base, which explores specifically known staggering sites from mid-August for a few week. A good option is, to look for additionally for appropriatec locations in… Continue reading The Dotterel – migration pattern in Germany in autumn 2015
Bird migration on the Sagres Peninsula/ Portugal
During the fall migration this is one of the areas most visited by ornithologists who want to enjoy the magic of bird Migration in Portugal. One of the birds encountered is the Eurasian Dotterel, among others. The Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus) is a member of the plover family which migrates from northern Europe, where it… Continue reading Bird migration on the Sagres Peninsula/ Portugal
Where to find Eurasian dotterel on migration in Germany
A Eurasian dotterel (Charadrius morinellus or Eudromias morinellus) is a cute little bird of the northern landscapes of Scandinavia. The Dotterel is a member of the plover family which migrates between the breeding grounds in northern Europe to North Africa, where it winters. In a roosting place they often behave quite familiar and usually persist even… Continue reading Where to find Eurasian dotterel on migration in Germany