At the beginning of last winter, I watched with interest the hustle and bustle around the bird table in our garden during breakfast. It was a beautiful morning with sunshine. A Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) kept coming to the bird feeder because he thought he would find sunflower seeds there. A little later, a… Continue reading Bird photography in your own garden: use of a camouflage tent
Tag: Northern Goshawk
Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
20 small birds are constantly on the move between a garden bush and the nearby birdhouse. Right away I can identify Great Tits (Parus major), Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), Nuthatches (Sitta europaea), Greenfinches (Chloris chloris), Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) and House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). While Great Tits and Blue Tits prefer to fly to the feeder,… Continue reading Bird photography in your backyard: What to consider
Junger Kurzfangsperber auf Warte in Anatolien
An einem Felsvorsprung direkt oberhalb der Straße südlich von Erzurum sitzt ein dunkel wirkender Greif mit kräftiger Streifung auf der Unterseite. Die Iris ist dunkel. Sehr schön. Soll das etwa der von mir vorhin gesehene, kreisende Sperber (Accipiter nisus) sein. Die Sitzhaltung erinnert eher an einen kräftigen Falken. Nein, perfekt, das ist ein Kurzfangsperber (Accipiter… Continue reading Junger Kurzfangsperber auf Warte in Anatolien
Living on their own: a new life for Northern Goshawks
The quiet, early morning in the morning pine forest in the south of Brandenburg is penetrated by high, persistent begging sounds. Yesterday morning the young in the nest of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) could still be seen very quietly on the nest and on a branch a little above the nest. In the meantime… Continue reading Living on their own: a new life for Northern Goshawks
Goshawk in the nest
After a thunderstorm, the wind has died down, and the morning rays of the sun shine through the tops of the Pine trees (Pinus sylvestris). Nothing seems to be happening in the nest of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), which was occupied 2 years ago. But suddenly something white moves, something shaggy. The white something… Continue reading Goshawk in the nest
Winter roosts and Red Kites
Just before sunset there some activity is in the air. Red kites (Milvus milvus) can be seen against the dark winter sky. They gather. Dozens of Red Kites perch on tree tops spread across various spruce trees. Again and again Red Kites flies up, does a few laps over the snow-covered landscape, then change the… Continue reading Winter roosts and Red Kites
Eichelhäher im handfesten Streit im Winter
Eine ausdrucksstarke, dynamische Szene der sich im Flug vehement streitenden Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius) ist kein Kinderspiel. Die beiden Streithähne sind großartig mit offenen Flügeln und den schönen Farben vor der offensichtlich winterlichen Kulisse in Szene gesetzt. Ein echter Tanz der Häher. Ein wunderbar dynamisches und lebendiges Bild! Die technische Umsetzung heißt in erster Linie beide… Continue reading Eichelhäher im handfesten Streit im Winter
AZERBAIJAN – a birding trip in late migration time
INTRODUCTION The goal was to use 4 days off and a public holiday to go on another birding trip to a distant country after the corona pandemic had ended. This was also a reconnaissance trip to investigate birding destinations in western Asia. We didn’t want to linger long with stopovers at any airport. So the… Continue reading AZERBAIJAN – a birding trip in late migration time
Kurzfangsperber: Zug und Vorkommen in der Nord-Ost Türkei
Im Kaukasus kommt der Kurzfangsperber bis auf 1.000 m NNvor; ausnahmsweise wurde er bis in 2.000 m Höhe in Armenien beobachtet. Das ist die lapidare Aussage im Handbook of the Birds of the World – Volume 2 im Band „New World Vultures to Guineafowl“ von Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, Jordi Sargatal, die auch im… Continue reading Kurzfangsperber: Zug und Vorkommen in der Nord-Ost Türkei
Juvenile Goshawk in Anatolian sky
An Accipiter hawk does fly low over the nicely constructed road south of Erzurum. I jump out of the car and keep on shooting with my Canon EF 400mm 1:4 DO IS II USM on a Canon EOS R 5. At home, I sort out the images. When viewing in Lightroom, my first thought is:… Continue reading Juvenile Goshawk in Anatolian sky
Young Levant Sparrowhawk in eastern Anatolia
On a ledge just above the road south of Erzurum sits a dark-looking raptor with heavily striped underside. The iris is dark. Very beautiful. Is that the bird, I had seen circling and identified as a Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) earlier? The sitting posture is more a reminiscent of a powerful falcon. No, that’s a… Continue reading Young Levant Sparrowhawk in eastern Anatolia
Northern Goshawk dripping wet in the rain
The rain is long awaited in southern Brandenburg, roughly 40 kilometers south of Berlin. The weeks before it had rained only sporadically. In the evening it was said that more than 10 liters / square meter had dropped. After strong thunderstorms with heavy heavy rain, the weather situation only calmed down slightly at night. There… Continue reading Northern Goshawk dripping wet in the rain