On a chilly winter day in Brandenburg, a small, seemingly inconspicuous pond became the setting for an extraordinary encounter. Among the usual array of waterfowl, a first-year Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) stood out—a rare visitor far from its typical Arctic and coastal haunts. Its presence, alongside more familiar duck species like Smew (Mergellus albellus), Gadwall… Continue reading An unexpected visitor: first-year Long-Tailed Duck in Teltow-Flaeming/ Brandenburg
Tag: Northern Shoveler
Mecklenburg´s Switzerland: a true paradise for woodpeckers too
The high drum rolls gave the early morning a special sound. The imitation of the drum quickly brought the author to the observation tower. It was a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor). I was able to photograph him very nicely here. My journey to Mecklenburg Switzerland began well before dusk. The drive through the… Continue reading Mecklenburg´s Switzerland: a true paradise for woodpeckers too
Große Rosin: Northern Shoveler after heavy hailstorm
A hailstorm sweeps across the countryside. Just after the thunderstorm ceased a male Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) flies particularly beautifully in front of us on the watch tower. From the observation tower it can be admired in flight at eye level with its bright blue and green wings and the brown belly. Although it is… Continue reading Große Rosin: Northern Shoveler after heavy hailstorm
Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic
As if they had swallowed a stick, two individuals of a species known from Africa are standing on the banks of a chanal ot the Toshka Project. Between many Gray Herons (Ardea cinerea) two Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis) stand upright with hanging beaks. The colors are beautiful to see in the morning sun. I was… Continue reading Yellow-billed Stork: a special for the western Palearctic
Whiskered terns and waterfowl at estuary on the Caspian Sea of southern Azerbaijan
The view of the shallow bay is just great. We are en route to explore the lagoons and coastal habitats between Liman, Narimanabad and Baliqcilar in southern Azerbaijan. The huge bay of Kizil Agach (another spelling: Qizilagach or Ghizil-Agaj) is the largest wetland in Transcaucasia. It is easily accessible from the causeway between Liman and… Continue reading Whiskered terns and waterfowl at estuary on the Caspian Sea of southern Azerbaijan
Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
A hailstorm falls over the ponds of Stangenhagen. While many wading and waterfowl used to stand stoically by the lake, the masses of birds that meet here in late summer to moult and rest for the first time on their way to their winter quarters are now beginning to move. First, the Northern Lapwings (Vanellus… Continue reading Northern Shoveler in heavy hailstorm
Kanadapfeifente in den Körziner Wiesen bei Beelitz/ Brandenburg
In ornitho.de kam an Karfreitag 2018 die Meldung herein, daß eine Nordamerikanische Pfeifente oder Kanadapfeifente (Anas americana) zusammen mit den „normalen“ Pfeifente (Anas penelope) sowie Knäkenten (Anas querquedula) und Löffelenten (Anas clypeata) gesehen worden sei. Die ersten Ornis waren trotz des naß-kalten Wetter mit Regenschauern schon vor Ort. Es schien, als hätten sich alle an… Continue reading Kanadapfeifente in den Körziner Wiesen bei Beelitz/ Brandenburg
Im Reich des Wachtelkönigs
Seltsam, rätschende Geräusche kommen nachts aus den Wiesen im Warthevorland. Das ist die Stimme des Wachtelkönigs (Crex crex), der auch Wiesenralle genannt wird. Dies ist eine der seltensten und gefährdetsten Vogelarten Deutschlands. Den Wachtelkönig, der nur selten in der dichten Vegation auszumachen ist, aber dennoch der berühmteste Brutvogel des Odertals ist, sah ich in den… Continue reading Im Reich des Wachtelkönigs
Waterfowl Spring migration on the flooded meadows of the river Oder/ Germany
Already several sites for nature protection with excellent birding ops in Brandenburg has been presented. One of these sites is a protected nature area in the Havellaendisches Luch or the Guelper See. If you have spare time between two tourist attractions in Germany´s sprawling capital Berlin you might be interested as a birdwatcher to know,… Continue reading Waterfowl Spring migration on the flooded meadows of the river Oder/ Germany
Beste Beobachtungsgebiete im Winter auf Texel
Tagelang hatte es geregnet. Der Ausflug über Sylvester auf die südlichste der westfriesischen Inseln schien sich als Reinfall zu entpuppen. Dann nach 3 Tagen klarte es gegen Abend auf. Ein phantastisches Abendrot kündigte eine sternenklare Nacht an. In dieser Nacht ohne schützende Wolkendecke fielen die Temperaturen auf deutlich unter Null. Die Feuchtigkeit an Gräsern und… Continue reading Beste Beobachtungsgebiete im Winter auf Texel
Birding around Berlin: The Guelper See
Berlin might not sound like a birdwatcher’s paradise but the capital of Germany offers surprisingly good birding. Berlin is already a top tourist destination. But it is a great place to combine a city trip with a birding excursion, too. Many airlines use the Airport of Berlin, but it is possible to take a flight… Continue reading Birding around Berlin: The Guelper See
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein
Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have some more spare time but only 2 hours between two flights, you might be interested to know, where you can find good places to stretch your legs, enjoy… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – NSG Lampertheimer Altrhein