Pale Crag-Martin over the Oman Desert. Early spring in the desert could be very rewarding as surprises could arise everywhere. The birder has a chance to see birds in migration and to see the first birds breeding. A surprise was this Pale Crag-Martin, Hirundo obsolete or Ptyonoprogne obsolete patrolling over the little nice oasis of… Continue reading Young Pale Crag-Martin in flight over Oman
Tag: Oasis
Moustached Warbler in the middle of the Oman Desert
Migration time in the desert could be very rewarding as surprises could arise everywhere. So happens with a Moustached Warbler, Acrocephalus melanopogon, in the little nice oasis of Mudday in the north-western corner of Dhofar/ Oman. This passerine bird is a species found in upright aquatic vegetation such as reeds and sedge as it happens… Continue reading Moustached Warbler in the middle of the Oman Desert