2 Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) are waiting at the waterline in front of the Gold Coast Morib Resort. But even waders cannot cope with a rapidly rising tide. The flock of various species of shorebirds had already begun to gather and were being pushed closer to shore by the rising water level. Some small mangrove… Continue reading Waders on migration on Malaysia´s West coast
Tag: Pacific Golden Plover
Goldregenpfeifer in Kiebitztrupp
Ein Goldregenpfeifer (Pluvialis apricaria) im Trupp der Kiebitze (Vanellus vanellus) ist auch in den Niederungen der Nieplitz und Nuthe nicht alltäglich. Im zeitigen Frühjahr oder zu Herbstbeginn sieht man auf den überschwemmten Wiesen große Kiebitzschwärme, die hin und wieder mit einigen Goldregenpfeifern vermischt sind. Nun sind die Wiesen leicht überschwemmt. Es war auffällig, wie der… Continue reading Goldregenpfeifer in Kiebitztrupp
Spoon-billed Sandpipers and other waders in Thailand on wintering grounds
The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is one of the big megas in the birding space – not only for twitchers, but Thailand in general is an excellent birding destination. During a trip to Thailand in January 2011 I was looking for wintering birds from the palearctic. The whole trip was a great success, seeing especially many waders… Continue reading Spoon-billed Sandpipers and other waders in Thailand on wintering grounds
Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract
Escaping the cold and shorts days in Germany in late fall is a real privilege. This time the target was the Seychelles Islands. Relaxing and birdwatching is both possible on these famous island near the equator. Whereas the bigger islands as Mahé or Praslin are famous for its endemic (and rare) land birds the smaller… Continue reading Bird migration in late fall on Seychelles – an abstract
Cranes on Happy Island, Chinas´s Helgoland, Part I
China’s Helgoland? Is there such a thing? Well, it depends on what you consider to be the specific characteristic of the “Shijiu Tuo Island” or “Bodhi Island” (in English simply “Happy Island”) mentioned island. Shijiu Tuo Island or simple Happy Island, about 3 hours drive from the seaside resort of Beidaihe located on the Yellow… Continue reading Cranes on Happy Island, Chinas´s Helgoland, Part I