Due to the long drive from Campo Grande to the Pousada Toca da Onca, I arrived on the first day in the southern Pantanal in the late afternoon. But it was not too late to join a boat trip. It is very cloudy, but also very warm and humid. The clouds in the sky indicated… Continue reading Pied Lapwing on boat trip at Rio Aquidauana
Tag: Pied Lapwing
Photographing Herons from a boat on Rio Pixaim
I was excited to see all the animals that would show up during our boat trip in the Pantanal. Maybe a Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)? And what about Jabirus (Jabiru mycteria) or a Pied Lapwing (Vanellus cayanus) or/and other birds? To cut to the chase: I was able to see them all and photograph many… Continue reading Photographing Herons from a boat on Rio Pixaim
Diademkiebitze auf Bootsfahrt am Rio Aquidauana/ Mato Grosso do Sul
Aufgrund der doch länger andauernden Fahrt von Campo Grande zur Pousada Toca da Onca komme ich an dem ersten Tag im südlichen Pantanal erst am späten Nachmittag an. Es war aber noch nicht zu spät, um an einer Bootsfahrt teilzunehmen. Es ist stark bewölkt, aber auch sehr warm und schwül. Die Wolken am Himmel deuteten… Continue reading Diademkiebitze auf Bootsfahrt am Rio Aquidauana/ Mato Grosso do Sul
Collared Plover on a sandbar in the Pantanal
A tiny white-gray-brown bird runs swiftly ahead of me on the sands of the Rio São Lourenço, which is called Rio Cuiabá as well. It is a Collared Plover (Charadrius collaris). I lie down on the sand and let the bird come. It walks here, sometimes there. But over time the wader gets closer and… Continue reading Collared Plover on a sandbar in the Pantanal
Diademkiebitze im Pantanal
Ein auffällig schwarz-weiß gezeichneter kleiner Watvogel steht am südlichsten Ende der Transpantaneira direkt vor dem Wasser. Es ist der Diademkiebitz (Vanellus cayanus). Dieser Kiebitz hat inzwischen einen neuen wissenschaftlichen Namen bekommen: Hoploxypterus cayanus. In Porto Jofré direkt am Nordufer des Rio Cuiabá (auf manchen Karten heißt dieser Flussabschnitt auch Rio São Lourenço) endet nach 145… Continue reading Diademkiebitze im Pantanal
Azararegenpfeifer auf Sandbank im Pantanal
Flink läuft ein winziger weiß-grau-brauner Vogel vor mir auf dem Sand des Rio São Lourenço. Es ist ein Azararegenpfeifer (Charadrius collaris). Ich lege mich auf den Sand und lasse den Vogel kommen. Er läuft mal hier hin, mal da hin. Aber mit der Zeit kommt er immer näher. Ich beschließe doch noch ein paar Fotos… Continue reading Azararegenpfeifer auf Sandbank im Pantanal
Pied Lapwing on sandbank near Porto Jofré/ Pantanal
A Lapwing is standing on a sandbar on the north bank of the Rio Cuiabá (on some maps, this section of the river also Rio São Lourenço). It is a conspicuous black and white colored small wader which obviously uses the southernmost end of the Transpantaneira as his homeground. The Pied Lapwing (Vanellus cayanus) is… Continue reading Pied Lapwing on sandbank near Porto Jofré/ Pantanal
Remarks to wintering Solitary Sandpipers (Tringa solitaria) in the Pantanal
During scientific research in the northern Pantanal between the 20th of December 2012 and the 10th of January 2013 I often observe Solitary Sandpipers along the muddy ditches on a farm. Of the two subspecies of the solitary sandpiper recognized the subspecies present probably was Tringa solitaria solitaria which usually has a more well-defined streak… Continue reading Remarks to wintering Solitary Sandpipers (Tringa solitaria) in the Pantanal
Birds on Pousada Pouso Alegre – the Non-Passeriformes
Pouso Alegre is a pousada (ex-fazenda) which is very well situated 7 km away from the Transpantaneira, with water on both sides much of the way now in the rainy season. The location is 33 km south of Pocone in the northern Pantanal. The hole pousada is a great nature-area with original landscape and extensive… Continue reading Birds on Pousada Pouso Alegre – the Non-Passeriformes