Für die Seevogelfotografie verwende ich persönlich seit Jahren ein einheitliches Setup. Dazu gehört die professionelle Flaggschiff-Kamera von Canon für „Sport und Journalismus“, seit einiger Zeit die EOS 1 D X Mark III mit einem Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM-Objektiv. Dies in den meisten Fällen ohne Telekonverter (TC). Die Canon EOS 1 D… Continue reading Funktioniert das Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM als Zoom für die Fotografie von Hochseevögeln?
Tag: Puffinus puffinus
A Pair of Red-breasted Mergansers passing the cliffs of Kilcummin Head
Standing on the windswept cliffs on the rugged coastline of northwestern Ireland, I gaze out over the open water, scanning the horizon for signs of life. Standing on Kilcummin Head, called Benwee Head also, I watch long chains of shearwaters skimmed the surface of the ocean, riding the wind effortlessly. Among the species present, the… Continue reading A Pair of Red-breasted Mergansers passing the cliffs of Kilcummin Head
Dance of Dolphins and Seabirds
This time the off-shore waters of the west coast of Ireland with Blacksod Sea Safari is going on. On the trip to the Atlantic we pass the island of Inishkea. Eventually we are surrounded by the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean.In the distance, I spot the distinctive white wings of Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus) diving… Continue reading Dance of Dolphins and Seabirds
Flight Dynamics of Northern Atlantic Shearwaters: A Comparative Insight
We are on a pelagic trip, this is a seabird watching tour. This time a stretch of water off-shore the west coast of Ireland with Blacksod Sea Safari is approached. On the trip to the Atlantic we pass the island of Inishkea. Eventually we are surrounded by the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. The sun… Continue reading Flight Dynamics of Northern Atlantic Shearwaters: A Comparative Insight
Test of Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM for photography of Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic Part II
Now the experiences with the Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM. I have to say I was pretty impressed after the first shots. If the camera could catch the bird, the reliabiltity of tracking the eyes with the autofocus was excellent. There the Canon EOS R5 Mark II could beat it predecessor. Image quality, autofocus… Continue reading Test of Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM for photography of Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic Part II
Test of Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM for photography of Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic
For Seabird Photography I personally have been using a consistent set-up for the last years. This includes the professional flagship Canon “sports & journalism” camera recently the EOS 1 D X Mark III with a Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM lens. This in most cases without a teleconverter (TC). If using a teleconverter,… Continue reading Test of Canon RF 200-800mm f6.3-9 IS USM for photography of Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic
Exploring the Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic: A Glimpse at Leach’s Storm-Petrel
We are on a seabird watching tour west of Ireland with Blacksod Sea Safari. On the trip to the Atlantic we pass the island of Inishkea, which my skipper, Toby, highly recommends to me because of the many breeding birds – probably also Storm Petrels – in summer. But I’m not in the mood for… Continue reading Exploring the Pelagic Birds of the Atlantic: A Glimpse at Leach’s Storm-Petrel
Buntfuß-Sturmschwalbe vor Annagh Head in der Grafschaft Mayo in Irland
Annagh Head, ein zerklüfteter und windgepeitschter Felsen an Irlands Westküste, bietet einen erstklassigen Aussichtspunkt zur Beobachtung des dynamischen Vogellebens des Atlantischen Ozeans. Annagh Head ist einer der besten Orte zur Meeresbeobachtung in Westirland. Allerdings wird er relativ wenig von Vogelbeobachtern frequentiert. Anders als einige der anderen berühmten Orte ist eine beeindruckende Meeresbeobachtung nicht von einem… Continue reading Buntfuß-Sturmschwalbe vor Annagh Head in der Grafschaft Mayo in Irland
Birdwatching at Downpatrick Head: A Seabird Spectacle in Ireland
Perched on the wild and rugged coastline of County Mayo, Downpatrick Head offers bird enthusiasts a front-row seat to one of nature’s most captivating spectacles. Whether you’re drawn to the thrill of seabird colonies in summer or the dynamic migration activity in autumn, this iconic location promises a rewarding experience. During the summer months, the… Continue reading Birdwatching at Downpatrick Head: A Seabird Spectacle in Ireland
Hochseevögel im Herbst auf Helgoland
Gestern ist ein Dunkler Sturmtaucher gesichtet worden und in den Tagen vorher gab es einen Balearensturmtaucher zu sehen. Während der Eissturmvogel (Fulmarus glacialis) in wenigen Paaren auf Helgoland brütet, kommen Gelbschnabel-Sturmtaucher (Calonectris diomedea) bzw. Sepiasturmtaucher, Kappen-Sturmtaucher (Puffinus gravis), Dunkler Sturmtaucher (Puffinus griseus), Schwarzschnabel-Sturmtaucher (Puffinus puffinus) bzw. Atlantiksturmtaucher, Balearensturmtaucher (Puffinus mauretanicus) und Sturmschwalben (Hydrobates pelagicus) und… Continue reading Hochseevögel im Herbst auf Helgoland
Meerstrandläufer auf Wangerooge
Der erste Gang nach der Ankunft auf die Insel führt zum Hauptstrand. Eigentlich nicht Weltbewegendes. Aber die Meerstrandläufer (Calidris maritima) zwingen mich doch in die Knie. Geduldig wartend an einer Buhne lassen sie sich aus wenigen Metern mit Steinwälzern (Arenaria interpres) im westlichen Bereich des Hauptstrands beobachten und fotografieren. Interessant dabei war vor allem, wie… Continue reading Meerstrandläufer auf Wangerooge
Black-capped Petrel in the western Palearctic
A report of a Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata) from the Northern Sea, maybe Heligoland, would be the Mega of the year. Even better, than the Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) which spend several weeks around the sea bird colony along the red cliffs on this sole off-shore island of Germany. In general observations of pelagic or… Continue reading Black-capped Petrel in the western Palearctic