Säbelschnäbler (Recurvirostra avosetta) gehören zu den auffälligsten Küstenvögeln. Die taubengroßen Watvögel sind überwiegend weiß gefärbt, haben schwarze Abzeichnungen und im Vergleich zu anderen Seevogelarten sehr lange Beine. Kennzeichnend für diesen Vogel ist jedoch der säbelartige, nach oben gebogene Schnabel. Er wird bei der Futtersuche im Flachwasser leicht geöffnet und seitwärts durch den Schlick gezogen. So… Continue reading Säbelschnäbler an der Nordsee
Tag: Recurvirostra avosetta
Next Rarity for Noord Holland – a Glossy Ibis
According to a report from waarneming.nl a Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), a species from the birds family of the Ibises and Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) could be observed on July 1st 2014 near Heemskerk in the Heemskerker Noordbroekpolder than in Heemskerk in the Waterberging Noorderveldjust south of Castricum. After the Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) at the coast… Continue reading Next Rarity for Noord Holland – a Glossy Ibis
Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) on Norderney
Norderney, the most densely populated island in the german Wadden Sea is with good reason called a bird paradise. Terns, Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta), Common Redshank (Tringa tetanus) , Brent Geese (Branta bernicla), Greylag Geese (Anser anser)and many other birds of water are to be found there, as well as the rare Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea… Continue reading Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) on Norderney
Top Birds at Romania´s Black Sea Coast
South of the Danube Delta is a wide stretch of a sandy shoreline with shallow lagoons. This is part of Romania´s Black Sea coast. May is Migration and early breeding time. Whereas the association of the east Romanian countryside is normally with the core Danube Delta with its speciality birds like Pelicans, Black-necked and Red-necked… Continue reading Top Birds at Romania´s Black Sea Coast