Conservation initiatives and the strictly protected red kite, Milvus milvus prove to be the biggest obstacles to wind power development in Germany . The ambitious goals of both the current federal government and especially the red-green state governments are in danger . In particular, the requirement to use increasingly forest sites as locations for 200… Continue reading Red Kites slow wind power expansion
Tag: Rotmilan
Rotmilane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau
Naturschutz-Initiativen und der streng geschützte Rote Milan, Milvus milvus, erweisen sich als größte Hindernisse für den Windkraft-Ausbau in Deutschland. Der Rote Milan war ja schon häufiger Gegenstand der Blogs auf So z.B. hier oder hier. Der Rotmilan ist ein Charaktervogel der mitteleuropäischen Landschaften. Etwa 65% des Weltbestandes des Rotmilans kommt in Deutschland vor. Die… Continue reading Rotmilane bremsen Windkraft-Ausbau
Red Kites in North Rhine-Westphalia
The Red Kite (Milvus milvus) is a character bird of well structured landscapes with woods and forests in Central Europe. Approximately 65% of the world’s population of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) is found in Germany. Since the late 1970s, the population is declining. In the lowlands even a large-scale retreat is observed. In recent… Continue reading Red Kites in North Rhine-Westphalia
Common Buzzard at the bait in wintertime
To observe and photograph Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) at the bait in wintertime in good numbers – sometimes 8 individuals on one occasion. Is this possilbe right in the center of a heavy industrialized country like Germany? Yes, it is! The valley of the river „Leine“ and the surrounding hills called “Leinebergland” is not famous… Continue reading Common Buzzard at the bait in wintertime