The caravan that sets off from Chailo over a swaying suspension bridge could be perfectly captured in any slave film. It is a humid midday heat when we arrive on an November day at the place that lies at the entrance to the Tunquini Field Station – Chailo. But the legendary Andean Cock-of-the-rock is said… Continue reading Andean Cock-of-the-rock at Tunquini Field Station near La Paz
Tag: Slaty-capped Flycatcher
Andean Motmot at the nest in Tunquini Field Station
After a successful morning, I try my luck as a photographer with the Nikon Nikkor AF-I 4.0/ 600 on the Nikon F 5 on another slope. First I try to photograph a few birds with the 600 set up directly at the houses of the Tunquini Biological Station. I do see a Andean Motmot or… Continue reading Andean Motmot at the nest in Tunquini Field Station