Inmitten eines einzigartigen Naturraumes in Mittelhessen liegt der Auenverbund Wetterrau. 4 Flüsse, die alle vom Vogelsberg kommen, bilden die Aue. Die breiten Bänder der Flussauen der Wetter, der Horloff, der Nidder und der Nidda bilden den Auenverbund, der sich mit dem Fluss Nidda – bei Frankfurt in den Main entwässert. Mitten drin liegt in die… Continue reading Das Bingenheimer Ried – ein Vogelparadies
Tag: Spotted Crake
Birding around Berlin – Reckahner Teiche
Berlin, the capital of Germany is a top tourist destination. Many airlines use the Airport of Berlin, but it is possible to take a flight to Frankfurt/ Main as well and drive with a rented car in roughly half a day. If you have spare time between two tourist attractions, are fed-up with the museum… Continue reading Birding around Berlin – Reckahner Teiche
Moorhen chases Snipe at Rieselfelder Munster
Migration season starts in Germany right now. One of the best places to see especially the early fall migrants – the waders – is the old sewage farm in the north of Muenster, called Rieselfelder Munster. Early morning, 6:30 am. Still dawn. Haze over the water and I am watching through a well located hide… Continue reading Moorhen chases Snipe at Rieselfelder Munster