Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?

The aim of a trip in April 2023 was to visit Egypt again after a long time. On the one hand to round off the list of birds in the western Palaearctic and on the other hand to observe the bird migration along the Nile. During our previous stays we had mostly been to the… Continue reading Southern Egypt: a worthwhile birding destination for the Western Palearctic?

Lohnt Ägypten eigentlich als Birding-Ziel?

Ziel einer Reise im April war es, Ägypten nach langer Zeit wieder zu besuchen, um einerseits die Vogelliste der Westpaläarktis abzurunden und andererseits den Vogelzug entlang des Nils zu beobachten. Bei unseren vorherigen Aufenthalten waren wir überwiegend am Roten Meer gewesen. Einen ausführlichen Tripreport über das Niltal im April gibt es hier! Eine Triplist von… Continue reading Lohnt Ägypten eigentlich als Birding-Ziel?

Pomarine Jaeger deep in hinterland in Germany

Pomarine Jaegers (Stercorarius pomarinus) are high-arctic gulls, which spend most of the non-breeding season offshore in the Atlantic. Thus, a Pomarine Jaeger is a very unusual sighting in Germany, especially for inland states like Brandenburg. End of September a Pomarine Jaeger was seen on the Gülper See. The Gülper See (lake) in the Havelaue west… Continue reading Pomarine Jaeger deep in hinterland in Germany

Spatelraubmöwe am Gülper See

Der Gülper See in der Havelaue westlich von Rhinow ist immer eine Reise wert. Ein kleine Sensation war dann aber doch die Beobachtung einer Spatelraubmöwe (Stercorarius pomarinus), die am 26. und 27. September 2019 – und damit noch vor dem Sturmtief Mortimer – beobachtet werden konnte. Die offensichtlich diesjährige Spatelraubmöwe der dunklen Morphe wurde zuerst… Continue reading Spatelraubmöwe am Gülper See

Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

A Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) with a yellow bill might be not the only difference what you realize, if you are seabirding on different locations. Well, Somateria mollissima v-nigrum is breeding along the arctic coasts of north-east Siberia to Alaska and shows a yellow bill unlike its relatives from the northern part of Europe. But… Continue reading Slettnes – Gambell-Seawatching: a photographers point of view

Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway

It is hard to believe, but also on the northern edge of the WP (Western Palearctic) seabirds are living and migrating. To see them, managed a trip in the beginning of May to the northern tip of Norway, to the Nordkyn peninsula. This is the best location to spot the migration out to the… Continue reading Seabird migration from a boat in Nordkyn/ Norway

Pelagic specialities on Bird-Lens

On the western edge of the western palearctic pelagic birds are living and migrating. To see them, managed several trips already to Portugal and the Canary Islands. Now migrating seabirds with a more northern circle of migration could be observed on several pelagic trips with Joe Pender on his boat “Sapphire” off-shore the Isles… Continue reading Pelagic specialities on Bird-Lens