Vogelreichtum auf schottischer Inselwelt

Felsnadeln, die aus dem schäumenden Meer emporsteigen. Abweisend auf den ersten Blick, doch voller Leben, wenn man in den Sommermonaten in die Nähe kommt. Wenn von Schottland die Rede ist, muß man unbedingt auch auf den Vogelreichtum der Inselwelt vor der Küste hinweisen. Orkney, Shetland oder St. Kilda sind weltbekannt, aber nicht so einfach und… Continue reading Vogelreichtum auf schottischer Inselwelt

Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Terns in general are excellent fliers, which may, from time to time, appear as vagrants outside of their home range. Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, are no exception in that. Only some days ago, a Forster’s Tern was found on the coast of Ireland. An adult winter Forster’s Tern could be observed at Corronroo along with… Continue reading Forster’s Tern, Sterna forsteri, as a vagrant for the Western Palearctic

Pelagic specialities on Bird-Lens

On the western edge of the western palearctic pelagic birds are living and migrating. To see them, Bird-lens.com managed several trips already to Portugal and the Canary Islands. Now migrating seabirds with a more northern circle of migration could be observed on several pelagic trips with Joe Pender on his boat “Sapphire” off-shore the Isles… Continue reading Pelagic specialities on Bird-Lens