Brandenburg, eines der neuen Bundesländer, ist viel stärker von kontinentalen Klima geprägt als die westlichen Landesteile, wo ich wohne. Außerdem ist dieses Bundesland an der polnischen Grenze weniger dicht besiedelt. Ein guter Grund einige Landesteile Vogelparadiese zu nennen. Brutpaare der selten gewordenen Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) leben hier im Osten in guter Zahl. Die Raubwürger waren… Continue reading Heidevogelarten in Brandenburg
Tag: Streptopelia turtur
Das Macingebirge: Brutvögel im National Park
Es ist schon 2 Jahre her, daß im Anschluß an einen Ausflug in das Donaudelta auch das Landesinnere von Rumänien besucht wurde. Etwas süd-westlich des Donaudeltas – nur 1 Stunde Fahrt von der lokalen Hauptstadt, Tulcea, entfernt – liegen die Macinberge mit ihren Granithügeln. Mit einer Höhe von max. 450 m NN sind die Macinberge… Continue reading Das Macingebirge: Brutvögel im National Park
Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja
The north-eastern countryside of Bulgaria called Dobruja or in Bulgarian Dobrudzha or in romanian Dobrogea was not famous of being one of Bulgaria´s birding hot spots for bird-lens before. But a trip to the Romanian Dobrogea in may 2012 was already very productive. Thus maybe an excursion to that thinly populated area south of the… Continue reading Hide Photography in Bulgaria in July; Images from the Dobruja
All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt
This morning all 4 species of Sylvia-Warblers which regularly occur in Germany could be seen. First the male of a Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) showed up in the first light of this chilly but sunny morning. Then a beautiful singing individual of a Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) could be seen very near to a observation tower… Continue reading All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene
There are not too many foreign birdwatchers coming to the middle of Germany for just birding. But Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene
Fall migration at the Black Sea Coast/ Romania
Spectacular numbers of Pallid Harrier, Circus macrourus, and Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus, were the highlight of the first day. Having spent 3 days in May north of Constanta at Romania´s Black Sea coast, it was decided to try our luck with birds again in the area around the village of Vadu. The target was, to… Continue reading Fall migration at the Black Sea Coast/ Romania
Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park
Because Macin Mountains is famous as an important migration hotspot for raptors in autumn, we decided to visit this site after a visit in May again at the end of September. An excellent choice. Arriving only at around 11:00h the activity of the “normal” birds were low. But the highlight, we were looking for, was… Continue reading Migration of raptors over the Macin Mountains National Park
Birds in Macin Mountains National Park/ Romania
Just south-west of the Danube Delta only 1 hour drive from Tulcea is the location of the Macin Mountains with its granite hills. With an altitude of max. 450 m asl Macin Mountains are showing nevertheless an impressive outline. Macin Mountains belong to the oldest mountains of Europe. The Macin Mountains feature some significant steppe… Continue reading Birds in Macin Mountains National Park/ Romania