For long I have been looking for Wallcreepers (Tichodroma muraria). Observations – or even photos – from the Wallcreeper are my dream. I’ve been days hiking in the Alps in the Karwendel mountains, in the Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan, in the Carpathian Mountains. I was hiking at high altitudes and took a lot of efforts,… Continue reading Sparrowhawk at Wallcreeper cliff in Alquezar in Northern Spain
Tag: Sylvia atricapilla
Sperber an Mauerläuferwand in Alquezar/ Aragon
Schon lange habe ich Mauerläufer (Tichodroma muraria) im Visier. Fotos – oder überhaupt Beobachtungen – vom Mauerläufer sind mein Traum. Ich war schon Tage zu Fuß im Karwendel, im Tien Shan, in den Karparten unterwegs, bin teilweise in großer Höhe gewandert und habe diesen Hochgebirgsbewohner dann doch verpasst. Da bin ich nicht allein. Der Mauerläufer… Continue reading Sperber an Mauerläuferwand in Alquezar/ Aragon
Vogelzug am Stockert in der Eifel
Ein schöner Tag im Herbst. Indian Summer wie er im Buche steht. Diesmal soll es in die Eifel gehen, zu einem Berg, der Stockert genant wird und südlich von Euskirchen gelegen ist. Hier kann man den Vogelzug der am Tag ziehenden Vogelarten sehr gut beobachten. Es war noch dunkel, als ich ankam. Das erste Vogelgezwitscher… Continue reading Vogelzug am Stockert in der Eifel
Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills
A beautiful autumn day. Indian Summer, as written in the books. This time it is to go to the Eifel to hill Stockert south of Euskirchen where bird migration at day can be observed. It was still dark when I arrived. The first bird whispers were heard already . It was mainly chickadees whose calls… Continue reading Bird migration at the Stockert in the Eifel hills
All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt
This morning all 4 species of Sylvia-Warblers which regularly occur in Germany could be seen. First the male of a Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) showed up in the first light of this chilly but sunny morning. Then a beautiful singing individual of a Common Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) could be seen very near to a observation tower… Continue reading All 4 Sylvia – Warblers in Weilbacher Kiesgrube near Frankfurt
Migratory birds herald spring
Last weekend, you could observe heavy traffic in the skies over Frankfurt/ Germany. Although winter is not ready to lower its grip the first returning migrants already point to the imminent end of the cold season. In recent weeks, Eurasian Skylarks (Alauda arvensis), and Northern Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), were seen already on their return. Particularly… Continue reading Migratory birds herald spring
Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene
There are not too many foreign birdwatchers coming to the middle of Germany for just birding. But Frankfurt Airport (FRA) is the gateway to continental Europe. Many airlines use the Airport as a hub for connecting flights all over the world. If you have spare time between two flight and you are a birdwatcher, you… Continue reading Birding around Frankfurt Airport – Schwanheimer Duene
Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten
Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany. It is well known although the city limits inhabit only roughly 600,000 people. But the greater Frankfurt area of course is much more populated. If you are on business in Frankfurt and have some spare time between two meetings and you are a birdwatcher, you might be interested… Continue reading Birding in & around Frankfurt: The Palmengarten
Fall migration at the Black Sea Coast/ Romania
Spectacular numbers of Pallid Harrier, Circus macrourus, and Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus, were the highlight of the first day. Having spent 3 days in May north of Constanta at Romania´s Black Sea coast, it was decided to try our luck with birds again in the area around the village of Vadu. The target was, to… Continue reading Fall migration at the Black Sea Coast/ Romania
Common Wood-Pigeon & other birds in elderberry shrub
The elder of the species Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) in my garden right outside my work room window is a special attraction. Not only for birds but also for insects and small mammals such as mice. In the elder I’ve seen birds the size of a Common Wood-Pigeon (Columba palumbus) to the smallest passerine species… Continue reading Common Wood-Pigeon & other birds in elderberry shrub